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List 4. Alacrity: cheerful readiness Antithesis: the direct opposite.

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Presentation on theme: "List 4. Alacrity: cheerful readiness Antithesis: the direct opposite."— Presentation transcript:

1 List 4

2 Alacrity: cheerful readiness

3 Antithesis: the direct opposite

4 Brouhaha: confused hodgepodge of sounds

5 Carnage: large scale slaughter, loss of life

6 Criterion: rule, test, standard for judgement

7 Edict: an order issued by an authority figure

8 Inception: beginning, start, earliest stage

9 Infirmity: weakness or ailement

10 Parable: short narrative designed to teach a moral lesson

11 Stricture: limitation or restriction

12 Ultimatum: final proposal or statement of conditions

13 Veneer: thin outer layer

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