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Population Under British Rule

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Presentation on theme: "Population Under British Rule"— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Under British Rule
September 29, 2015

2 Surge in Immigration Why? War of 1812

3 British Immigration Industrial Revolution

4 Natural Growth Between , total population of the territory of Quebec tripled! Average family size: 7 children

5 Shift Up until this point, the focus for Quebec was always to increase population Now at a point where large population- different set of issues to address

6 Overpopulation Overpopulated Rural areas -> people move to cities (more opportunity) Migrants -> mostly cities/new villages 1830- low point for agriculture (poor harvest, competition) meant people looked elsewhere for livelihood. Created new villages Emigration: many moved to United States (New York, New England, Vermont)

7 Urbanization Urban areas increasing in population
Fires (Montreal Great Fire in 1852-wooden houses) Diseases Tensions

8 Organization of Society
Example: Durham Report Largely divided (religion, culture, language) United by drive for responsible government


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