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Canto XXIII Aaron Dutsch May 03,2009.

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1 Canto XXIII Aaron Dutsch May 03,2009

2 Canto Summary Dante and Virgil escape from their demon escorts and find themselves in Bolgia 6 where the hypocrites are punished. Here Dante meets two jovial friars who point out Caiaphas. The two poets then climb to Bolgia 7 to view the Thieves.

3 Additional Characters
Two Jovial Friars from Bologna named Catalano and Loderingo. Jovial Friars were charged with maintaining order and enforcing laws. In 1266 both Friars were assigned to maintain peace in Florence. It is believed that they helped Clement IV overthrow the Ghibellines in Florence.

4 Additional Characters
Caiaphas is the chief sinner in Bolgia 6. He was a the Jewish High Priest who counseled the Pharisees to crucify Christ. Caiaphas is punished by being crucified to the ground while they other hypocrites(who wear lead weights beneath their robes) trample his body through eternity.

5 The Hypocrites

6 Caiaphas

7 Theme The hypocrites punishments reflect their sins on earth. Their Bright robes hide their torments. Caiaphas is crucified and bears the weight of the hypocrites in a perversion of Christ’s altruistic death.


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