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Probable Passage Reading to learn in all content areas.

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Presentation on theme: "Probable Passage Reading to learn in all content areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Probable Passage Reading to learn in all content areas

2 Phonics Humor

3 My five-year old son is learning to read. Yesterday he pointed at a picture in a zoo book and said, Look at this! It's a frickin' elephant! I took a deep breath, then asked... What did you call it?' It's a frickin' elephant! It says so on the picture!

4 And so it does... African Elephant

5 NRP, 2001 Largest meta-analysis of reading research

6 Reading Cycle

7 Before Set a purpose for reading Prior knowledge- What do you already know? What questions do you have?

8 Reading Cycle Before Set a purpose for reading Prior knowledge- What do you already know? What questions do you have? During Answer questions you formulated Analyze what you have read

9 Reading Cycle Before Set a purpose for reading Prior knowledge- What do you already know? What questions do you have? During Answer questions you formulated Analyze what you have read After Did you answer your questions? Review and summarize what you learned Connect to course content

10 Reading Cycle Before Set a purpose for reading Prior knowledge- What do you already know? What questions do you have? During Answer questions you formulated Analyze what you have read After Did you answer your questions? Review and summarize what you learned

11 Reading Cycle Before Set a purpose for reading Prior knowledge- What do you already know? What questions do you have? During Answer questions you formulated Analyze what you have read After Did you answer your questions? Review and summarize what you learned

12 If you want your students doing this…

13 Instead of this…

14 You need to be doing something like this:

15 Before Set a purpose for reading Prior knowledge- What do you already know? What questions do you have? During Answer questions you formulated Analyze what you have read After Did you answer your questions? Review and summarize what you learned Probable Passage

16 Before Reading 1. Quotation: Distribute quotations to teach class member 2. Mingle: Class members move around the room, reading and discussing each persons quotation. 3. Probable Passage: In small groups (3-4), write a sentence summarizing what you think the passage may be about 4. To Discover: Write what you hope to learn/discover in reading the passage

17 Probable Passage During Reading 5. Monitor: As students read the passage, direct them to be aware of the quotes as they arise in the text.

18 Probable Passage After Reading 6. Revise: Does your summary sentence reflect what the text actually says? If not, revise so it does. 7. Answer: Identify which To Discover questions were answered. Brainstorm where more information could be found

19 Procedures 1.Choose 8-10 important sentences/phrases 2.Analyze meanings/relationships of quotations 3.Write probable passages and questions 4.Revisit questions and summaries

20 List-Group-Label 1. List: Examine the terms 2. Group: Categorize the terms into groups based on meaning 3. Label: Designate a name for each group of terms 4. Share/Compare: Share labels with small groups or whole class 5. Discuss: Talk with class about the different ways terms were grouped and labeled.

21 Probable Passage Variations Students select terms before/during/after reading Students group terms Teacher groups terms (modeling/think aloud) Teacher supplies group labels before/after reading Teacher supplies terms and groups Students attempt to create as many groups as possible Students use terms to create graphic organizers

22 Flexibility Probable Passage can be used with any kind of text, including:

23 Flexibility Probable Passage can be used with any kind of text, including:

24 Flexibility Probable Passage can be used with any kind of text, including:

25 Flexibility Probable Passage can be used with any kind of text, including:

26 Flexibility Probable Passage can be used with any kind of text, including:

27 Flexibility Probable Passage can be used with any kind of text, including:

28 What can go wrong? Your students dont have enough background knowledge to make accurate predictions Again, a great pre- assessment! Revisiting questions and predictions is crucial!

29 Assessment Use as a formative assessment What do they know? Where are the gaps in their understanding? What do I need to reteach?

30 Assessment Give students participation points/credit Probable Passage should take almost no time to grade!

31 Assessment Skim students writing for content Dont assess conventions! (spelling, punctuation, grammar)

32 Your turn Think about the texts your students will be reading during the first four weeks of school. Choose at least one text to support with Probable Passage. If you have the text here, begin selecting the 10-15 students will use. Share with neighbors/group.

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