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Presentation on theme: "CONTACTING GRACE THROUGH PRAYER"— Presentation transcript:


2 1 Chronicles 5:18-23

3 Grace is the “unmerited favour of God”.
Introduction Prayer and grace go together. Prayer was one of the covenant instrument that brought man into God’s grace (or favour). Grace is the “unmerited favour of God”. God’s willingness to treat you and I as if sin never happened – Kenneth Copeland.

4 We are in the realm of abiding grace; And the prayer altar is key to releasing this grace in our life. This is why the devil is after your prayer life.

5 From The Text:

6 Those who have access to the throne of grace are the ones that can turn their situations around.
The Israelites were victorious not because of their warfare strategies, but by God’s grace. And they accessed this grace through prayer – verse 20. God sees the groaning but, He responds to their cries!

7 By grace, God took over their battle, secured their territory and enlarged their coasts – verses 22 & 23. Grace is the totality of helps from above which will help me fulfil destiny in grand style. Great plans with great grace culminates in great accomplishments!

8 One of the purposes of prayer is to convey our choices to God.
Philippians 4:6-7; Psalm 56:9; Ps. 57:2-3; Exo. 3:7-9. It is our cries that come to Him not our groaning of afflictions!

9 Six (6) Things That Makes Prayer Effectual:
Connectivity with God - John 15:7; Prov. 23:26. There must be an heart connection. This is the first requirement in walking with Him. We must stay away from sin – Psalm 66:18-19NLT.

10 Pray according to the Word of God - Psalm 138:2.
Revelations triggered prayers are powerful. Remember that prayer is dialoguing with God. Locate Scriptures that guarantee answers first before rushing to pray. Be Word loaded, revelation saturated - Prov. 4:20-23; 1 John 5:14-15.

11 Be specific - Mark 10:46-52. Faith must anchor on specifics!
Identify your desire and ask for it! Stop assuming God knows what you desire!

12 Pray with desperation (with passion, earnestness) - James 5:16-18.
Heaven is too busy to entertain casual callers. Engage in Holy Ghost desperation. Psalm 55:17.

13 Pray with the Name of Jesus – Phil. 2:9-11.
The Name is the only authorized signature at the throne of grace. Luke 10:17; Matthew 28:18. John 16:23-24.

14 Pray in faith - James 1:6-8; Matthew 21:22.
Faith is the gateway to the arena of grace. No faith, no grace. No grace, no victory. Romans 4:16.

15 Conclusion Grace is the totality of helps from above which will help me fulfil destiny in grand style. Every thus says the Lord is a possibility which must be taken to God at the prayer altar. It is the processing plant of vision! Fulfilment of destiny is for the prayerful. Authority over hell is for the prayerful.

16 When you slack in prayer, you lack substance on the earth
When you slack in prayer, you lack substance on the earth. Unlimited access to the material world is for the prayerful. The help of God is what terminates shame on the earth. And prayer is the channel of connecting with Heaven’s helpline.

17 Jesus Is Lord.


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