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Project Charter / Kick-off

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Presentation on theme: "Project Charter / Kick-off"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Charter / Kick-off
Project Name:<> Client Name: <> Vertical Name:<> Project Manager : <> Delivery Manager :

2 About Client & Business
Geography Business Case

3 Project Objectives / Goals

4 Target project benefits

5 Project Scope, (In Scope and out of Scope)
Project Scope / Boundaries Project Constraints Project Limitations Success Criteria

6 Deliverables/Milestones
Milestone / Date Responsibility

7 Client – Key stakeholders

8 Project Overview Add any other items Particular Details
Project Description / Name Planned Start Date Planned End Date Size Estimation and type of size estimation (no of fields, report tickets, tasks) Effort Estimate in Person Hours / Person Months Methodology for Effort estimation Estimated Cost – if required Technology, Database, Software's / Tools and Hardware's Required Add any other items

9 Project Team – Roles (FT & PT) Onsite & Offshore
Person Name Role FT / PT Remarks

10 Project Approach- Phases and Major Activities

11 Project Approach – Acceptance Criteria

12 Project Risks Risk Description Probability (A) Impact
Mitigation Actions At what phase Severity (B) Risk Identified by Expected Value (A * B)

13 Issues / Concerns / Road blocks
ID Issues Impact Action Plan Owner Target Date 1. 2. 3. 4

14 Governance & Communication plan

15 Sign-off

16 Expectations from GAVS Internal Interested parties
Quality Team SDLC model Project Status Reporting – Format & frequency agreed with Internal & Client Internal Audit frequency Process facilitation CSG TAG HR Admin Finance TMO IT Sec

17 Thank You


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