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Dual Enrollment Amy Nearman, Director of Dual Enrollment

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1 Dual Enrollment Amy Nearman, Director of Dual Enrollment
Kristen Carter, Dual Enrollment Coordinator Northern Virginia Community College

2 What is Dual Enrollment?
An enrichment program that allows eligible high school students the opportunity to take courses and earn high school and college credit at the same time NOVA college courses may fulfill Virginia high school graduation requirements and begin a college transcript towards a degree or certificate program

3 Why Dual Enrollment? It’s a law! It’s Great for Students
HB 1184 passed requiring high schools to work with local community colleges to create pathways for students to complete Gen Ed or Associates degrees New Legislation in both House and Senate It’s Great for Students Guaranteed college credit with a C or better Avoid duplication of courses taken in high school and college Lower the cost of overall college tuition Ease transition from high school to college Use campus resources and participate in college events and activities

4 DE Students… Have higher high school graduation and college enrollment rates Have higher persistence rates in college Have higher GPAs in college Can finish a degree in less time

5 Dual Enrollment Stats In 2017/2018, NOVA had more than 18,000 DE enrollments 750+ enrollments at WGHS

6 AP Versus DE Advanced Placement has been around for years while DE is relatively new in VA AP open enrollment vs DE placement testing DE teachers must meet requirements of college professors- master’s degree in field AP articulated credit while DE is guaranteed AP structured to the culminating test DE is a college class, not college preparatory Weighted GPA bump

7 Eligibility for Dual Enrollment
High School Juniors and Seniors Students must meet all course pre/co-requisites Proof of English and Math College Readiness Use PSAT, ACT, SAT, SOL scores to qualify Virginia Placement Test (VPT) Exceptional Freshman and Sophomores on a case-by-case basis No Fs 3.25 GPA to enroll in transfer course 2.25 GPA to enroll in CTE/career track course

8 Transferability Gen Ed courses transfer to most VA colleges and to many other four-year institutions ENG 111/112 transfer 6 college credits to 15 VA colleges HIS 121/122 transfer 6 college credits to same 15 VA colleges PHY 201/202 transfer 8 college credits to same 15 VA colleges Career/Technical (CTE) Courses designed to fulfill NOVA Career Studies Certificates All colleges have specific policies regarding acceptance of transfer credits- check websites Passport Legislation

9 DE at Woodgrove ASL 261 American Sign Language (3 college credits) ENG 111/112 College Composition I/II (6 college credits) HIS 121/122 US History I/II (6 credits) HIS 203 History of African Civilization I (3 college credits) HIS 231/232 History of Latin American Civilization I/II (6 college credits) LAT 201/202 Intermediate Latin I/II (6 college credits) MKT 201 Introduction to Marketing (3 college credits) MTH 161/162 Pre-Calculus I/II (6 college credits) MTH 265 Vector Calculus (4 college credits) PLS 211/212 US Government I/II (6 college credits) PHY 201/202 Physics I/II (8 college credits)

10 DE Registration Process
Student must express interest to school counselor Apply to NOVA and secure your 7-digit student ID # - Log into myNOVA to establish a password Intent to Enroll form- complete and submit to school counselor requires student & parent signatures must apply online to NOVA Qualifying Scores- Counselor checks if student has eligible test scores- PSAT, SOL, ACT or SAT Virginia Placement Test (VPT)- If no eligible scores are found, student is referred to take VPT test at high school or on NOVA campus Director of Counseling sends all forms to NOVA DE Coordinator Check your course enrollments in myNOVA

11 Other Important Information
Disability Accommodations If you have a 504 or IEP plan and would like accommodations to apply to the DE class, you MUST go through NOVA’s Disability Services Can be done virtually or on campus Must submit your MOA to your teacher NOVA Resources Get a NOVA Card Free tutoring Writing Center Library Student Activities

12 Is DE Right For You? Ready for advanced, college level work?
Ready to self-advocate, be independent learner? Have good time management and study skills? Want to build a college transcript? Looking to jump start college career?

13 Questions?

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