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Lecture 19 Synaptic transmission, vesicle fusion and cycling

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1 Lecture 19 Synaptic transmission, vesicle fusion and cycling Why selectivity may not be important? Thermodynamics of channel gating by ligand Structure of Acetylcholine-binding protein (AChBP) Latest about nicotinic Ach receptor

2 Depolarization EPSP Erest Hyperpolarization IPSP

3 mutation in Dynamin


5 The Docking Complex vesicle plasma membrane
SNARE proteins form coiled-coils plasma membrane from A. Brunger


7 Postsynaptic ionotropic receptors:
Nicotinic ACh receptor (nAChR) Glutamate receptor (GluR) AMPA, NMDA subtypes GABAA receptor Glycine receptor excitatory (cation channels) inhibitory (Cl- channels)

8 K+ Cl- K+ Cl- What is driving force? E – actual membrane potential I V
EK = 0 E (mV) K+ Cl- I V EK < 0 driving force E – actual membrane potential

9 Hmmm, …but nAChR passes both of ions! Why does it lead to excitation?
- it is known that Na+ influx causes depolarization, and K+ efflux causes hyperpolarization. Yes. Hmmm, …but nAChR passes both of ions! Why does it lead to excitation? ENa = +60 mV EK = -90 mV Erest = -70 mV Ethreshold

10 nACh R (Na+, K+ channel) R AR A2R A2R* A2D open gate closed
desensitized from Unwin



13 L0, LA – equilibrium constants
KA, JA – binding constants

14 C O LO ΔGC→O = -RT ln([O]/[C])=-RT lnL0
In the absence of ligand the O state is unfavorable, openings are rare ΔGC→O = -RT ln([O]/[C])=-RT lnL0

15 C O LO ΔGC→O = -RT ln([O]/[C])=-RT lnL0
In the absence of ligand the O state is unfavorable, openings are rare ΔGC→O = -RT ln([O]/[C])=-RT lnL0

16 ΔGC→AC = RT ln([AC]/[A][C])=RT lnKA
Initially binding of the ligand occurs with low affinity ΔGC→AC = RT ln([AC]/[A][C])=RT lnKA

17 ΔGAC→AO = -RT ln([AO]/[AC])=-RT lnLo
Binding makes the AO state more favorable than AC, openings are frequent ΔGAC→AO = -RT ln([AO]/[AC])=-RT lnLo

18 ΔGAC→OC = -RT ln([AO]/[AC])=-RT lnLA
Binding makes the AO state more favorable than AC, openings are frequent ΔGAC→OC = -RT ln([AO]/[AC])=-RT lnLA

19 The change in equilibrium constant between the states equals to the change in affinity to the ligand that occurs with opening. Consider what should be strong agonist, weak agonist or competitive blocker

20 In Molluscs: AChBP is released upon ACh release and then sequesters ACh from Sixma et al.

21 AChBP: 210 aa per subunit, pentamer
from Sixma et al.



24 nicotine carbamylcholine














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