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Action Planning for Quality Improvement

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1 Action Planning for Quality Improvement
May 14, 2009 Kathy Reims, M.D. NQC Consultant Analee Beck Early Intervention Services - Program Coordinator Pueblo Community Health Center

2 Poll How satisfied are you with how your Quality Management Plan is implemented in your organization? Very satisfied We do well all things considered We could do better We struggle

3 Implementing the QM Plan

4 Call Objectives Understand the purpose of a QM action plan
Learn about key components of good action planning Understand a best practice: translating your QM plan into action

5 Key Components of Action Plans
A statement of what must be achieved. Align with the goals of a strategic, business, operational or quality management plan. Detailed steps of what must be done A schedule and timeline for each step Indication of who will be responsible for making sure each step is completed. Clarification of the resources needed.

6 Prerequisites for a Successful Action Plan
√ Resources align with scope. √ Time allowance adequate for success. √ Clear goals and objectives. √ Alignment of stakeholder expectations. √ Realistic planning process.

7 Action Planning Steps 1. Assess key tasks 2. Confirm skills required
3. Build your team 4. Define the tasks in more detail 5. Establish the interrelationships among the tasks

8 Action Planning Steps (continued)
6. Identify the milestones 7. Communicate the draft plan 8. Evaluate the draft plan against the resources you have 9. Get your entire action plan approved In reality, many of these steps are iterative, not strictly sequential.

9 You have thought about all the pieces….
View One using the puzzle as a model …time to execute!

10 Executing your Plan Create the infrastructure to get the job done
Adjust meetings, reports and attend to the “culture” as needed

11 Monitor as you go Monitor Communicate progress Messaging important

12 Reflect and Celebrate Use the milestones Public forums
Lessons learned, reflection, celebration

13 NQC Resources Action Planning Guide
Strategies for Implementing your Quality Improvement Activities |

14 Early Intervention Services

15 About Pueblo Community Health Center
Mission: To provide primary health care to those in need Vision: To be the primary health care provider of choice in Pueblo County by providing top quality care through accessibility, leadership and financial independence

16 Key Components of EIS Work Plan
EIS Team providers, managers, and supportive staff Annual Work Plan - Framework RW Part C Funding Guidelines HIV/AIDS Chronic Care Model HIV/QUAL Project Core Indicators Annual Work Plan – Quality Monitoring HRSA Quarterly progress reports Clinical Audits and Financial Reports Quality Improvement Projects

17 WHO writes the action plan?
Multi-disciplinary team Collaborative process begins half-way into a program year Progress to date is reviewed Team prepares to write new action plan

18 WHAT goes in the action plan?
EIS Team providers, managers, and supportive staff Annual Work Plan - Framework RW Part C Funding Guidelines HIV/AIDS Chronic Care Model HIV/QUAL Project Core Indicators Annual Work Plan – Quality Monitoring Team defines: Goals and objectives Detailed clinical and non-clinical action steps Person responsible for each step Projected timeline for completion of each step

19 Portion of the EIS Workplan

20 WHEN are the action steps implemented?
Team follows the timelines they have outlined Annual On-going Time-specific Start date and end date

21 HOW do we put “action” into our action plan?
Team completes the action steps Continuous monitoring HRSA progress reports Clinical audits Financial reports Quality improvement projects

22 FOCUS-PDSA Quality Improvement Process
Find a process or project for improvement Organize a team Clarify your current knowledge of the process Understand variations – current process Select an improvement Plan improvement Do the Improvement Study the results Act or Adjust to hold the gain

23 Find a process or project for improvement
Improve access to patient information

24 ORGANIZE A TEAM EIS Clinic Staff, IT Specialists and Operations Department

EIS Program does not have access to an Electronic Medical Records system

Patient information must be accessed from a variety of sources Recording patient information required double data entry

27 SELECT AN IMPROVEMENT QI project selected: create a unique multi-functional database

28 PLAN IMPROVEMENT Researched and collected all data sources and documents that supported patient care.

29 Acuity Worksheet

30 Clinical Care Flow Sheet

31 Intake Questionnaire

32 DO THE IMPROVEMENT Created database system
Able to customize to better meet needs Data entry work flows designed

33 STUDY THE RESULTS Studied work flows Monitored data accuracy
Monitored database changes


Assure all data entered for essential reports Formatting of reports for HRSA, HIV/QUAL and financial

36 Wrap Up Focused on a meaningful project
impacted the infrastructure supporting the QM Plan as well as daily work Put together a multidisciplinary team and called in others as needed Identified key milestones, monitored progress Culture of accountability, flexibility, “can do” Communication and celebration

37 Questions or reflections?

38 Poll I learned at least one idea to improve the ability to translate my Quality Plan into action: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree

39 Contact Information Kathy Reims, M.D. Chief Medical Officer CSI Solutions, LLC Analee Beck Early Intervention Services - Program Coordinator Pueblo Community Health Center

40 National Quality Center (NQC)

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