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The Language of Exams Mrs Thompson.

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1 The Language of Exams Mrs Thompson


3 What are the examiners looking for?
Find out how to maximise your chances in each examination

4 Examiners focus on the positive
But help them out!

5 Read the question carefully Be positive
Legible handwriting Plan your time Number questions accurately Use correct terms Answer every question Examiners want to give you marks but you need to help them. Do you know what each exam needs? Common mistakes – not following the instructions, not numbering the questions, running out of time, wasting time on short answer –a mark a minute, describing not explaining – read the question carefully Understand SPaG Don’t waste time on short answers

6 What are AOs? In History -
AO1 Recall, select, use and communicate their knowledge and understanding of history. AO2 Demonstrate their understanding of the past through explanation and analysis of: • key concepts: causation, consequence, continuity, change and significance within an historical context • key features and characteristics of the periods studied and the relationships between them. AO3 Understand, analyse and evaluate: • a range of source material as part of an historical enquiry • how aspects of the past have been interpreted and represented in different ways as part of an historical enquiry

7 What are AOs? In English Literature-
AO1 Show understanding and knowledge of text – interpretation AO2 Analyse language and structure – analysis & evaluation AO3 Use context to aid interpretation – applying knowledge, remembering, understanding AO4 Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation + Vocabulary and register

8 Decoding Exam Questions
Do you understand the language of the exam?

9 General exam hints Look at the marks available
Always read the question carefully Be concise Use correct terms Plan Use your time effectively Stay calm! If you come across a question that you don’t think you can answer… write something!


11 It is not easy but it is worth it!


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