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Systematic reviews and meta-analyses

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Presentation on theme: "Systematic reviews and meta-analyses"— Presentation transcript:

1 Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Both really very interesting topics once again

2 Critical Appraisal Systematically examining evidence for:
Validity Results relevance Essential for practice of EBM

3 What is???? SR: Apply same level of rigour in reviewing evidence as should have gone into producing it in first place Take care to find ALL relevant studies Explicit statement of objectives, materials & methods Synthesis all findings in an unbiased way Explicit & reproducible methodology

4 When is a SR needed? When there is a substantive therapeutic question, several primary studies (with variable findings?) and substantial uncertainty

5 SR Advantages: Limit bias Reliable & accurate
Compare different studies (heterogeneity)

6 SR Disadvantages May be done badly GIGO Inappropriate combinations
Drown out important effects Findings not always in keeping with findings from single large RCT

7 The evidence Hierarchies I-1 SR of several DBRCT I-2 1+ DBRCT
II-1 1+ good cohort II-2 1+ case control II-3 1 uncontrolled experiment III expert opinion IV mikey likes it

methodology IMPORTANT What are ORs & CIs? APPLICABLE? To my patients / practice? (DISCUSSION)

9 What’s a MA? Statistical combination of results of several trials
SR may contain a MA Usually presented as pooled OR with CI Some argue that if evidence needs a MA to find the answer probably not worth doing…..

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