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Michelle Nicholson.

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Presentation on theme: "Michelle Nicholson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michelle Nicholson

2 Actions Speak Louder than Words

3 Aims Leadership roles required
Barriers which prevent Lions taking on leadership roles Gain commitment to taking the first step Support needed to give more lions confidence to take on a leadership role, at club or district level

4 What is a Leader?

5 Leaders are People who:
Are passionate about what they do Gain satisfaction from what they do Utilise their strengths to help others Put the needs of others before themselves Understand that the cause is bigger than they are

6 Barriers to Leadership
What is holding Lions back from becoming a leader at Club or District Level?

7 Leadership Roles

8 Discussion Group A What are you doing with regards to succession planning? How are you developing other lions? Have you got an exit plan? Group B What help and support would you like to see in place that would encourage you to step onto the ladder?

9 Are You Ready to Step onto the Leadership Ladder?

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