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Multi-beneficiary IPA programmes in the enlargement countries

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1 Multi-beneficiary IPA programmes in the enlargement countries
MGSC March 2017 Point 5.1 of the Agenda

2 Contents Multi-beneficiary programmes' principles MBP IPA 2014
Future multi-beneficiary IPA programmes

3 1. MBP principles 1st aim: methodology/output alignment + ESS integration Main focus on common needs in the region (+ ad-hoc's) Service contract – grants are run in paralel Support for experts' – beneficiaries' work + traineeships, participation in meetings and events (WGs etc.) Novelty: increased focus on delivery of compliant data

4 2. MBP IPA 2014 Duration of implementation: 23 months Grant agreements: to Service contract: to Extension for some projects till Total amount: 7.8 M€ (SC = 5.3 M€/grants = 2.5 M€) Total projects: nearly 25 Slight shift in the scope of pilot projects towards full-scale surveys

5 3. MBP IPA 2015 Duration of implementation: (28-31) months Grant agreements: to Service contract: to Longer duration for some projects till Total amount: 15.9 M€ (SC =9.85 M€/grants = 5.95 M€) Total projects: nearly 35 Increasing weight given to concrete data production + delivery to Eurostat

6 4. Future MB IPA programmes
MBP IPA 2017: 14 M€ (2 M€ reduction) Implementation: early 2019 to early/mid 2021 More support to less "statistical" projects, leading to delivery of concrete data (+ ad-hoc) Consultation beneficiaries and Eurostat's expert units is ongoing

7 Thank you for your attention!

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