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Student-Led Conferences

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1 Student-Led Conferences

2 Benefits Children take responsibility for their own learning
The focus is on the child Student can act as translator if needed Children assess own work Student decides goals (social or academic) “They grow because they want to, not because someone else told them to.” (p. 155)

3 Student Portfolio One sample per week Reflection about the sample
Reflection about the quarter Academically Socially

4 Creating a Goal Sheet Before the end of trimester
Each child names 3 goals (academic or social) Teacher names 3 goals for child Parent names 3 goals for child Student choose 3 out of 9 goals to work on for next trimester

5 Conference Child reads overall reflection sheet
Chooses a few work samples to highlight Points out details wants parents to notice Share goals for next trimester

6 Rehearsal Students need to practice
First, teacher should model for the entire class Students should practice in groups of 3 with 2 students acting as parents. At the end of the conference, the families take home the portfolios to look at together.

7 Post-Conference Reflection
Child writes a brief reflection Parents can write a reflection or letter to their child. (provide an example) “I am proud of ___” “Keep up the good work on ___” “I’m glad you’re working hard on ___”

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