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Start of World War I.

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Presentation on theme: "Start of World War I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start of World War I

2 Four Causes of World War I
Militarism  Alliances Imperialism Nationalism MAIN 

3 Developing the military and using for diplomatic needs.
Militarism Developing the military and using for diplomatic needs.  Competition leads to an arms race between the nations. 

4 Alliance System Germany Austra-Hungary Italy France Britain
Triple Alliance  Triple Entente (Allies) form 1907 Germany Austra-Hungary Italy Becomes known as the Central Powers once the Ottoman Empire is added.  France Britain Russia

5 Imperialism Major European nations need more resources and territory
Germany now industrializing competing against Britain and France. 

6 Nationalism A devotion to the interest and culture of one's nation.
Adds more competition to Imperialism Groups under Major powers want independence Serbia in Balkans, under control of Austria Hungary

7 Create a short story on why World War I begins.
Needs to be a minimum of 2 paragraphs. It may be comical, does not have to be serious. 

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