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Book Fair Planning Tips

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Presentation on theme: "Book Fair Planning Tips"— Presentation transcript:

1 Book Fair Planning Tips

2 Book Fair Companies Scholastic Book Fairs Junior Editions
Barnes and Noble

3 One month before: Schedule volunteers - primary grade students need the most help Copy “wish lists” forms at Print Shop - fill in student name and teacher

4 One month before: Request a sampling of titles to booktalk and/or display

5 One month before: Begin posting notices in school newsletter

6 One month before: Visit Scholastic’s Book Fair website for decorating ideas, forms to download, more tips

7 Two weeks before: Post flyers around the building with dates
Set-up a display in a showcase or a bulletin board

8 One week before: Obtain $100 in petty cash 1 roll of dimes
2 rolls each of pennies, nickels, quarters 1 roll of dimes 3 - $5.00 bills 3 - $10.00 bills 25 - $1.00 bills

9 One week before: Borrow tape adding machine from front office
Locate a cash box

10 Nice to have . . . Create a reorder form for popular titles - have Print Shop copy onto carbonless paper

11 Nice to have . . . Self inking stamps
Last Copy - Not for Sale - See Cashier to Order Book Fair - to stamp on the memo line of checks

12 Extra supplies . . . Pens and pencils Sticky notes
Soda boxes/paper box lids to hold wish lists for the day or extra supplies

13 When the book fair is set-up . . .
Check over titles - remove inappropriate ones Highlight titles received on master list - keep master list by cashier

14 When the book fair is set-up . . .
Hold a staff preview party - with snacks! Encourage staff to create wish lists for parents to buy books for classrooms.

15 During the book fair . . . Have all classes browse before any purchases are made Encourage parents to shop or send in a check with the order in a sealed envelope

16 During the book fair . . . Place a note on the last copy of popular titles

17 During the book fair . . . Secure money frequently
Move slow moving titles to eye level Recommend titles as alternatives to popular ones

18 More tips . . . Consider NOT sending home the book fair newsletter

19 More tips . . . Have extended hours for working parents
Provide snacks for volunteers Send volunteers a hand-written thank you note at the end of the fair

20 Have fun!!!

21 Thank You . . . Dawne Royo, Media Specialist, Tridelphia Ridge Elementary School, for allowing me to use and revise your presentation.

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