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Sarah Jennings, County Ecologist, DCC & LNP Manager

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1 Sarah Jennings, County Ecologist, DCC & LNP Manager

2 Devon’s Priority Species - context
1998 Devon Biodiversity Action Plan – 206 key species listed 2013 Devon State of Nature Report – clear that the 1998 list out of date…….. 2014 – set up a Species Steering Group (see handout) to start the update Agreed criteria – see handout / website Ellie at DBRC worked with experts (see handout) to produce a ‘long list’ of 1,600 Devon Priority Species…..agreed that a short list needed…!

3 Devon’s Special Species - context
2016 – Steering Group agreed criteria for a ‘short list’ of species – see handout. Purpose: To highlight species for which Devon has a particular responsibility and therefore deserve particular conservation effort To raise the profile of rare species amongst the public Intention is NOT to take resources / protection away from other species – all important. Tom & Max used the criteria to cut the long list down – finalised by Rob Wolton in consultation with the experts (a justification for species not included will be available!). 96 Devon Special Species – see handout, Rob’s report and website

4 Current / next steps……raising awareness
Logo developed by John Walters – please use Social media – please share stories, pics, ideas using #devonspecialspecies Headline information on each Special Species on LNP website. Please send any additions to Plans to work with Western Morning News etc – focus on a species group a month…. Schools / community / business engagement LOTS of other potential links e.g. started discussion with the Arts Council

5 Next steps….. Conservation action
Pen pictures help identify existing projects / champions and GAPS that need prioritising. To discuss with St Grp and then key partners. Rob’s analysis helps to highlight key habitats. 44 of the 96 Special Species occur on cliff & slopes or sand dunes. We need to train up future experts……..are our experts rarer than our rare species? Use to raise awareness of Priority Species in the planning process – not just about dormice and bats which are largely widespread in Devon.

6 Final thoughts…………. This hasn’t been easy…….required a LOT of input and (heated?!) discussion MASSIVE THANK YOU to ALL experts involved / the support from Ellie Knott, Barry Henwood, Rob Wolton, Dave Smallshire and Stephen Carroll who have been involved since the start / John Walters for his fab logo / Rob Wolton for getting it finished! MASSIVE APOLOGIES from me to everyone involved that it took so long. What about…….dunlin, ring ouzel, short snouted seahorse……..? ‘the joy of a list like this is that it will start debate and focus people’s thinking on wider conservation’ (K. Cox – Chair, RSPB)


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