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English and Maths Parent Workshop
Year 4
A week of English in school
English is taught everyday. Our writing lessons incorporate SPaG elements. (Spelling Punctuation and Grammar) Handwriting and spelling practise. Daily guided reading sessions.
Sequence of Writing Read and evaluate / pick out key features including SPaG elements, Plan, Draft, Improve, Publish.
Writing End of year objectives, Age Related Expectation,
Above / Below ARE. If children don’t correctly join their writing by the end of Lower Key Stage Two, they will not be able to achieve Age Related Expectation.
What does Age Related Expectation Mean?
Accurate punctuation – MUST have capital letters. Accurate sentence structure. Variety of SPaG elements. High level of adventurous vocabulary. Be able to self check and correct own errors. Suitable for purpose and audience.
Expected Standard
SPaG Have a look at the test on your table.
These are examples of an Autumn Year 4 test. SPaG overview can be found in your pack. SPaG elements are taught during the writing process. The things that are tested are explained on the SPaG mat and in the SPaG glossary.
Spelling Spelling MUST be mostly accurate to be age related.
However, children can self check using a dictionary, word bank or by asking a peer or adult for the spelling. Tricky word books. Dictionaries / thesauruses are a great tool and we actively encourage children to use them in lessons.
Spelling Groups “phonics”
We follow the Read Write Inc spelling programme. Children are grouped according to their spelling ability and can be with children of different ages. Working on specific spellings patterns and completing a range of activities based on that spelling pattern. Some children are being accelerated and some are plugging gaps. Children will ALL work on the Year 3&4 spelling list words during English lessons and handwriting time.
Handwriting Example
How to help at home Practising dictionary skills – getting familiar with how to use it. Practising spellings off the Year 3&4 spelling list and ensuring children are confident with the meaning of the words and can use them accurately in a sentence. Reading a wide range of genres and stories. Writing if children want to – even things like football reports.
Reading Research into the results of regular reading shows the impact over time … By the end of Y6 Student ‘A’ will have read the equivalent of 60 whole school days. Student ‘B’ will have read for 12 school days. Student ‘C’ would have read for 3 school days. Every minute makes a difference! Which student would you expect to have better vocabulary and understanding? Scores in the top 10% in standardised tests. Scores in the top 50% in standardised tests. Scores in the bottom 10% in standardised tests. Research shows that generally better readers make better writers.
Reading Reading objectives can be found in your packs.
Daily guided reading sessions. Story time at the end of each day. Author of the term focus. Our reading target is to read 4 times a week. Focus on word choice e.g. synonym for / why has the author used / which word tells you the character is sad. Reading is assessed in strands.
Have a look at the reading test on your tables.
National Curriculum Reference No. of marks % of total mark 2a give / explain the meaning of words in context 5 – 10 10 – 20% 2b retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction 8 – 25 16 – 50% 2c summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph 1 – 6 2 – 12% 2d make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text 2e predict what might happen from details stated and implied 0 – 3 0 – 6% 2f identify / explain how information / narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole 2g identify / explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases 2h make comparisons within the text Reading Strands – KS2 Have a look at the reading test on your tables.
Accelerated Reader A scheme which has been introduced very recently.
Word reading and reading for understanding and meaning. Star reader test taken every half term will give the children a new ZPD (zone of proximal development.) After reading each book children will complete a short quiz to check the child’s comprehension and understanding of a text. TOPS report sent home after each quiz and you can log on at home to track their progress.
AR Book finder
How to help at home Make sure children are reading 4 times a week – they can read independently and record their reading themselves. Enjoy reading share stories together – they are not too old to be read to. Read a range of texts as reading impacts upon writing. Look up new / unknown vocabulary together. Please see information in your child’s reading record for examples of comprehension questions.
Useful Websites to support English
years/spelling-and-grammar g_grammar/ 7
Maths Objectives for the end of Year 4 are in your packs.
Arithmetic Paper. Reasoning Paper.
Mastery Mathematics Each lesson starts with daily counting.
Always starts with 0. Multiplication and division facts – 3x4 = 12 4x3 = ÷ 4 = 3 12 ÷ 3 = 4 Daily practice. Mastery Curriculum – fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Current focus is on challenging all children.
25 + 36 =61 Maths Abstract Concrete Pictoral
Building understanding through concrete, pictorial and abstract representations. =61 Abstract Concrete Pictoral
Calculation Methods Vertical Addition Vertical Subtraction
Short Multiplication T
Times Table RockStars When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables. To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds!
Times Table RockStars
Times Table SAT Sound check is modelled on the pilot tests that were conducted last academic year. Various pilots were conducted in various schools across the country so the format of the test is currently unknown. Children will be tested on times tables up to 12 x 12 on a either a laptop or ipad.
How to help at home Times tables are essential – children MUST know them all without having to work them all out. Times Table Rockstars. Maths Rockx app. Telling the time. Number bonds to 100 ( = 100) Real life maths e.g. : -Weights and measurements when cooking, -Converting measurements (1000g = 1kg), -Counting money and calculating change, -Converting digital and analogue time. Time using a number line to calculate the difference.
Useful Websites to support Maths
button years/problem-solving
Topics Homework Autumn – Ancient Egyptians.
Spring – Stone Age to Iron Age. Summer – Famous Monarchs. Newsletters will be sent home half-termly. Homework Set on a Thursday. Hand in on a Tuesday at the latest.
Parents’ Evening Tuesday 13th November 2018 3:30pm – 5:30pm
Wednesday 14th November 2018 3:30pm – 6:30pm
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