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KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Building Successful Communities of Practice KM World 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Building Successful Communities of Practice KM World 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Building Successful Communities of Practice KM World 2001 Kathy Valderrama Jim Lee Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

2 KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Objectives l Communities of Practice l Sustaining Communities of Practice l Success Stories Creating

3 KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Creating Communities l Obtain sponsorship l Conduct visioning session n Long term perspective l Set goals and priorities n Community/business goals n Knowledge management goals (KM Plan, Metrics) l Develop value proposition l Identify the players ExamplesDeliverablesActivities

4 KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Creating Communities - Deliverables l Vision document l Knowledge management plan l Value proposition l List of players in the community ExamplesDeliverablesActivities

5 KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Creating Communities - Examples l Vision document list long term description of the group: where do we see this group in 5 years? l Knowledge management plan list of goals and priorities of the business and community specific, trackable and measurable l Value proposition how will this community help the business become more successful and increase productivity overall? l List of players Sponsor, Community Manager ExamplesDeliverablesActivities

6 KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Sustaining Communities l Conduct periodic review of KM plan n Involve sponsor n Revise and adapt plan as the business changes l Give rewards and recognition n Recognize innovation as key to business success l Solicit feedback n Surveys, focus groups ExamplesDeliverablesActivities

7 KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Sustaining Communities - Deliverables l Revised Knowledge management plan l Survey l Metrics/scorecards l Rewards/recognition ñ memos, performance review ExamplesDeliverablesActivities

8 KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Sustaining Communities - Examples l Thank you message to those who contributed to the communitys knowledgebase l Survey mailed to all community members asking for their feedback l Quarterly review of knowledge plan with sponsor l Identify improvement opportunities using metrics on community usage of knowledge bases ExamplesDeliverablesActivities

9 KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Symptoms of Low Performing Communities l Low level of communication and collaboration l Low business results l Not a team based activity l Content is not consistently managed

10 KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Community Success Stories l Business Value Achieved Faster response time to clients Lessons learned for use throughout the organization Faster implementation time for projects Lower costs Content ready-to-go for re-use by others Shorter time to market Improved quality in work and deliverables

11 KM World 2001 ñ Creating and Sustaining Successful Communities of Practice ñ October 30, 2001 Questions?

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