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Jeff Ballard Nick Rasmussen

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Presentation on theme: "Jeff Ballard Nick Rasmussen"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeff Ballard Nick Rasmussen
Subdivision Surfaces Jeff Ballard Nick Rasmussen Jeff

2 Overview Motivation for Subdivision Surfaces Subdivision Schemes
Interesting Properties Discussion of Papers Jeff

3 Traditional Modeling Techniques
Polygons Splines Implicit Surfaces

4 Polygons - Pro Fast Arbitrary Topology Easy Stitching

5 Polygons - Con C0 Continuity High Counts for Complex Surfaces
Edits Hard to do Globally

6 B-Splines - Pro Mathematically Elegant Well Understood C2 Everywhere

7 B-Splines - Con Needs ‘Socking’ to Prevent Cracks
Sharp/Curved Edges Hard High CV Count Creatures

8 NURBS - Pro CV Weights => Sharp Edges, Finer Control Trim Curves
Widespread Support (sort-of :)

9 NURBS - Con Trim Curves Susceptible to Numerical Error
Very Hard to Sock with Trim Curves Difficult to Implement Greater Sophistication Needed for Modeling Tools

10 Implicit Surfaces - Pro
‘Blobby’ Objects Mathematically Trivial

11 Implicit Surfaces - Con
Poor Control Hard to Model Details Achieving Correct Polyginization

12 Why Subdivision Surfaces?
Single Surface for All Modeling Operations Multi-Resolution Edits Extensions to Support Sharp Edges Arbitrary Topology No Cracks

13 Subdivision Terminology
Vertices: Regular/Extraordinary Odd/Even Face/Edge Edges: Boundaries and Creases Control Mesh

14 Overview Of Subdivision Schemes
Corner Cutting Vertex Insertion Interpolating Approximating

15 Corner Cutting Old Vertices are Discarded Common Schemes: Doo-Sabin
Mid-Edge 2 steps 4 steps

16 Interpolating Even Vertices Remain Stationary
‘Inflates’ Out to Limit Surface (bad) Common Schemes: Modified Butterfly (triangle based) Kabbelt (quad based)

17 Approximating Even Vertices are Moved Converges in to Limit Surface
Convergence Faster than Interpolating Schemes Better Mathematical Properties Common Schemes: Loop (triangle based) Catmull-Clark (quad based)

18 Subdivision Example: Catmull-Clark
Quad-Based Approximating Subdivision Surface Isomorphic to B-Spline Patch Around Regular Vertices

19 Catmull-Clark Demonstration

20 Interesting Properties
Explicit Evaluation Subdivide Scalar Parameters ‘Snap’ to Limit Surface

21 Big ‘Wins’ No Cracks

22 Big ‘Wins’ (cont.) View-Dependant Mesh Refinement
Operate on only one Geometry Polygon Reduction on Control Mesh ‘Pawn’ Geometry

23 Papers Interactive Multiresolution Mesh Editing
Zorin et. al. Non-Uniform Recursive Subdivision Surfaces Sederberg et. al. Exact Evaluation of Loop Subdivision Surfaces Jos Stam

24 Papers (cont.) Exact Evaluation of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces
Jos Stam Subdivision Surfaces in Character Animation DeRose et. al.

25 Interactive Multiresolution Mesh Editing
Uniform Editing On All Detail Levels Edit At One Resolution and Propagate Changes

26 Interactive Multiresolution Mesh Editing (cont.)
Subdivide Surfaces Only Where it Matters

27 Non-Uniform Recursive Subdivision Surfaces
Interesting, But Missed the Ball NURSSes:NURBS as Catmull-Clark:B-Splines We Don’t Want/Need NURBS

28 Exact Evaluation of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces
Subdivision Surfaces Without Subdividing Precompute Eigenbasis Functions Produce the Limit Surface Directly

29 Subdivision Surfaces in Character Animation
Wonderful Overview of Subdivision Surfaces The Right Way to do Edge Weights Fits Well With RenderMan

30 Subdivision in Action…

31 A Bug’s Life

32 Geri’s Game

33 Conclusions

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