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Day 4 AFM Rocks!.

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1 Day 4 AFM Rocks!

2 Functions What is it? Three main parts: Normally seen as F(x)
The input The relationship The output Normally seen as F(x) F(x)= 2x , input is x relationship is multiply by two the out put is F(x).

3 Functions Naming functions: F (x) = x^2
Function name Input What to output. Read as: “f of x, equals x squared”

4 Functions Let’s define a function. Formal Definition of a Function: A function relates each element of a set( input) to exactly one element of another set(output) .

5 Functions Two distinctions
“each element” means that every element in X is related to some element in Y “exactly on” means that a function is single valued. It will not give back 2 or more results for the same input.

6 Functions F(2) = 8 or 13 is not right! “one-to-many” is not allowed, however “many to one” is okay.

7 Functions Input ( the set of x) has a special name called Domain Output( the set of y) has a special name called Range

8 Functions Evaluate functions: This is where you “plug in” certain values for the input variable. Ex: if f(x) = 3x+2, and we want to evaluate it at x= -7 we would. Replace every x with the value -7. f(-7)= 3(-7)+2 and finish

9 Functions We can actually use what we know about the relationship. To figure out the domain and range. Ex: what is the domain( the set of inputs) for y=2x ? What about the range? Ex2: What is domain and range of y= x^2 ?

10 Functions “Don’t be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.” Dale Carnegie Handout section 4.1 (Pg ) : 1-8, 11-13,35-43 odd

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