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Warm-Up Choose a colony. Write home to a cousin, uncle, aunt etc. to convince them to come to your colony. What does your area have to offer in terms.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up Choose a colony. Write home to a cousin, uncle, aunt etc. to convince them to come to your colony. What does your area have to offer in terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up Choose a colony. Write home to a cousin, uncle, aunt etc. to convince them to come to your colony. What does your area have to offer in terms of government participation, religion, work, community, etc. ½ - ¾ a page

2 Ideas of self government in British North America
English Heritage Ideas of self government in British North America

3 History of Common Law Before laws, there was no written laws.
Just rules to live by, which came to have force of law in courts. Judges would look at precedents to decide how to rule a case. Precedent A ruling from another case This led to basis for Common Law

4 England’s Early Government
Monarchy Ruled over England Nobles also had considerable power and influence. Nobles were given power if they swore loyalty, paid taxes, and promised military support. Paved the way for a limited and representative government

5 Magna Carta!!!! Magna Carta “The Great Charter”
Created by the nobles who rebelled against King John in Limited the power of the monarch and said no one would be above the government Granted certain rights to landowners Becomes basic population of England Equal treatment under the law Trial by jury

6 Parliament Legislative body that met regularly with the King.
Advise the king Started off as group of nobles and church officials Eventually the Parliament expands members and power. Ex: Glorious Revolution

7 Glorious Revolution Glorious Revolution
Parliament removes King James II Nonviolent Replaces him with William and Mary.

8 English Bill of Rights Limited Government
Document explaining the power transfer from King to Parliament. Stated: Monarch could not suspend Parliament’s laws Monarch could not create special courts, impose taxes, raise armies without Parliament’s consent. Parliament members are freely elected Free speech during meetings Cruel and unusual punishment would be banned Trial by jury

9 Original Copy of the Bill of Rights

10 Enlightenment 18th century philosophical movement of intellectuals.
Important Figures: John Locke Natural Right Social Contract Jean-Jacques Rousseau All men are Equal Baron de Montesquieu Separation of Powers

11 Connection to America English Bill of Rights and Common Law, and Enlightenment influenced early American government. Ex: Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Mayflower Compact

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