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1 Shock

2 Objectives Describe shock List the causes of shock
Describe the types of shock & their causes Describe the compensatory & decompensatory stages of shock Recognize the signs & symptoms of shock

3 Scope Shock Causes of Shock Types of Shock Stages of Shock
Compensatory Shock Compensatory Stage Decompensatory Shock Decompensatory Stage Signs and Symptoms of Shock Management of Shock Conclusion

4 Shock Shock is a condition in which:- blood flow oxygen
nutrients to the tissues are inadequate for normal cell function

5 Causes of Shock Shock can be caused by illness or trauma Pump failure Loss of blood Loss of vascular tone

6 Types of Shock Hypovolemic shock caused by blood loss
external bleeding, internal bleeding, loss of plasma (burns) continue

7 Types of Shock Cardiogenic shock caused by heart (pump) failure
heart attack ….continue

8 Types of Shock Respiratory Shock
Caused by insufficient oxygen in the blood Chest injury, airway obstruction, or paralysis of the breathing muscles (e,g, from spinal injury) …continue

9 Types of Shock Neurogenic Shock
Caused by loss of control of the nervous systems (loss of vascular tone) Spinal cord injury ...continue

10 Types of Shock Metabolic Shock Caused by the loss of body fluids
Excessive diarrhea, vomiting, or urination …continue

11 Types of Shock Anaphylactic Shock Caused by loss of vascular tone
Extremely allergic, (e.g. insect sting, foods, drugs, dust) …continue

12 Types of Shock Psychogenic Shock (fainting)
Caused by loss of vascular tone Temporary condition Reaction to fear, bad news, the sight of blood, or a minor injury …continue

13 Types of Shock Septic Shock Caused by a severe infection,
Loss of vascular tone & blood volume Contaminated IV, recent surgery, prolonged illness or infection …continue

14 Stages of Shock 1st stage of Shock 2nd stage of Shock
Compensatory Shock 2nd stage of Shock Decompensatory Shock

15 Compensatory Shock To protect these organs, the body does the following: Increases the rate & force of the heartbeat Constricts the blood vessels of the skin Selectively constricts/vasoconstriction some of the blood vessels in organs

16 Compensatory Stage Initial Signs Lethargy or weakness Confusion Fear
Irritability, Agitation Disorientation

17 Decompensatory Shock The causes of compensatory shock are not corrected, decompensatory shock take place B/P falls further Blood pools in the extremities & cardiac output is reduced Usually results in death

18 Decompensatory Stage Late Signs
Drowsiness, deteriorating to loss of consciousness A change in level of consciousness Patient may be uncooperative, abusive, or combative

19 Signs & Symptoms of Shock
Decreased LOC Decreased B/P (less than 90/60) Weak, rapid heart rate Pale, clammy, cool skin Shallow, rapid breathing Thirst ….continue

20 Signs & Symptoms of Shock
Restlessness, Anxiety Weakness Shivering

21 Management of Shock RSE DABCs RBS External bleeding - Direct pressure
Elevation the body part Use a tourniquet (Last resort only) ….continue

22 Management of Shock Internal bleeding Minimize movement of the patient
Keep the patient flat, raise & support the legs Provide reassurance Never give the patient anything to eat or drink Administer oxygen Rapid Transport

23 Conclusion The Shock patient cannot be stabilized in the field The Shock patient must be rapidly transported to a medical facility

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