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Twelve Points That Show Christianity is True

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1 Twelve Points That Show Christianity is True
Owning Your Worldview Considers: By: Dr. Norman Geisler

2 Building Foundations Apologetics Logical Foundation (Points 1 and 2)
Supernatural Foundation (Points 3 through 5) Historical Foundation (Points 6 through 12) Point 6b: The New Testament Documents are Reliable - The Events are Recorded Accurately This session will cover point 1 of 12.

3 Review: We established a logical framework for evaluating the exclusivity claims of the Christian worldview. We reviewed a summary of Apologetic arguments. We defined what miracles are and how God uses them to confirm His message and messengers. We determined that we can be confident the NT manuscripts we are copied correctly from the original autographs.

4 5 Reasons to Believe the NT Records Events Accurately
The NT has more writers, earlier, and more accurate writings, that any other work from the ancient world. Hundreds if details from Luke & Acts have been verified. The NT was completed during the lives of eyewitnesses. Non-Christian & Anti-Christian sources record 12 events known to parallel the Gospels. No archeological discovery (25,000+) has ever shown the NT to be in error.

5 Multiple Authors Matthew: an apostle Mark: an associate of Peter
Luke: an associate of Paul John: an apostle Paul: an apostle Peter: an apostle James: the half-brother of Jesus Jude: the half-brother of Jesus The unknown author of Hebrews (possibly Paul or Pricilla)

6 The Authors Wrote Early
Matthew: 70 A.D (+40) Mark: 80 A.D (+50) Luke: 85 A.D (+55) John: 95 A.D (+65) Paul: 50 A.D to 57 A.D (+20 to +27) Peter: 60 A.D (+30) James: 62 A.D.* (+32) Jude: 60 A.D to 80 A.D (+30 to +50) The author of Hebrews: 67 A.D (+37)

7 Multiple Early Authors
Multiple authors provide many perspectives. The writings are not in perfect agreement. This is what you expect from multiple accurate witnesses. If all of the writings were in perfect agreement, we may suspect the author's were colluding to advance a lie. There is no disagreement over any substantial detail. Because these authors wrote so early there wasn't time to introduce legendary elements. We see legendary elements in the Gnostic writings from A.D.

8 The Writing was Accurate
The authors name specific places. The authors state specific times and dates. The authors name specific people. They include embarrassing, inconvenient, unflattering, and difficult details and teachings. Peter's denials, the apostle's lack of understanding, Jesus saying to eat His flesh, female witnesses, etc.

9 The Amazing Accuracy of Luke
Like is a unique author because he includes a large number of minor details, which is atypical for ancient authors. Luke's writings almost read like a personal journal. Because of these minor details it is much easier to verify the historicity of these details. Because many of these details were lost to time people thought Luke was making most of the details up as he went along. Archeological finds have rediscovered many of these facts and proven the accuracy and reliability of Luke.

10 “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, while Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of the region of Iturea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene, during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, God’s word came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness.” –Luke 3:1-2

11 The Amazing Accuracy of Luke
PEOPLE: Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate, Herod, Philip, Annas, Caiaphas, John, and Zechariah. PLACES: Judea, Galilee, Iturea, Trachonitis, Abilene, and [the Judean] wilderness. POSITIONS: Caesar, governor, tetrarch, and high priest. RELATIONSHIPS: Herod and Philip are brothers. John is Zechariah's son. TIMEFRAME: "In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar...". All af the other leaders must align with the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius.

12 The Amazing Accuracy of Luke
Correctly named ports and descriptions. Local weather patterns. The correct family name of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. Identified Perga as the proper port for a ship crossing from Cyprus. Correct identification of the two gods associated with Lystra, Zeus and Hermes. Correct titles of the colony magistrates. Proper title of “politarch” for the city rulers. Correct title for a member of the court (Aereopogite). Correct identification of Gallio as proconsul.

13 Written During the Lives of Eyewitnesses
James, Jude, Peter, Matthew, and Peter were eyewitnesses to the actions, teaching, and miracles of Jesus. Paul meets a resurrected Jesus and it radically alters his life. In 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 Paul indicates that 500 eyewitnesses saw a risen Jesus. He then points out that most are still alive. Essentially a challenge to verify what he says.

14 Written During the Lives of Eyewitnesses
Eyewitnesses could easily have contradicted the early writings. They may have persisted but much like other writings of the era, they wouldn't have been revered. Any contradictions of eyewitnesses would have been used by opposition. Jewish and Roman records in particular would be expected to highlight these critical witnesses. There are no writings by opposing eyewitnesses of that era.

15 Secular Confirmation Jesus was from Nazareth.
He lived a virtuous life. He performed unusual feats. He introduced new teaching, contrary to Judaism. He was crucified under Pontius Pilate. His disciples believed He rose from the dead. His disciples denied polytheism. His disciples worshiped Him. His teachings spread quickly. His followers believed He was immortal. His followers had contempt for death. His followers renounced material goods.

16 Secular Confirmation For a more detailed breakdown of what ancient secular authors and historians had to say about Jesus see: J. Warner Wallace: Cold-Case Christianity Lee Strobel: The Case for Christ John Montgomery: History and Christianity Frank Morrison: Who Moved the Stone? Thomas Sherlock: The Trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrection

17 Archeological Support
Ancient coins confirm Caesar Augustus was Caesar when Jesus was born (Luke 2). The tomb of King Herod (Matthew 3). The Pool of Siloam (John 5). The Synagogue at Capernaum (Luke 7). The foundation of Herod's Court (Luke 2). The remains of 1st century crucified Jews. Stone block inscribed "Pontus Pilate Prefect of Judea". The ossuary of High Priest Joseph Caiaphas. The ossuary of "James brother of Jesus".

18 Summary Confidence in the accuracy and truthfulness of the NT are bolstered by: Multiple authors writing while separated by time and geography, while not disagreeing outside of their POV. Written so early witnesses could have refuted it. People in power were actively seeking to refute Christian claims. Significant details are confirmed by secular sources. Archeology has never been able to show any historical detail incorrect, yet it has confirmed hundreds of details.

19 Conclusion No other ancient text can be shown to be comparable to the NT as far as historical and archeological support. No other sacred scriptures can connect with the "real world" the way the NT does. The NT sets the bar for all other ancient writings, regardless of their genre, purpose, or audience.

20 Conclusion The only ways to reject the NT are to:
Ignore the evidence (willful ignorance). Deny it because you don't like what it says (volitional rejection). Twist it's meaning into something you can reject (intellectual dishonesty).


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