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2 Plan Quick warm –up, then we play with those articles.

3 Rules, teachers, fashion, work, lunch, etc.
Quick warm –up. Pretend that there is a new student in the school today, in this very class room. What do you need to tell them about: Rules, teachers, fashion, work, lunch, etc. (a similar question has appeared on the junior cert – in the form of ‘write an article about...)

4 Listen carefully and follow these instructions
Pass your article to the person on your right. (People on right – other side of the room). Note the name of the paper and the strapline on another sheet. Read the article and CREATE 5 tough ‘W’ questions (Who, what, where, why, when) that can be answered from the information on the page.

5 Now Pass the article and your 5 questions to the person on your right.
Read this new article and answer the questions.

6 Crossword

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