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TF-MSP Funding of NRENs SURVEY Initial findings

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1 TF-MSP Funding of NRENs SURVEY Initial findings
TF-MSP Meeting Madrid, 6/7 September 2010 John DYER TERENA TF-MSP Funding of NRENs SURVEY Initial findings

2 Motivation Community Reflection, TNCs & elsewhere
Increasing availability and uptake of “cloud” and “commoditized” service Global economic crisis Financial restraint Closer scrutiny of activities and cost effectiveness NRENs considering their future sustainability Agenda suggestion from Steve Hogger, JANET(UK)

3 Process Reviewed Compendium Questions and data
Drafted survey questions Solicited comments; MSP and Compendium panel Survey issued: 20 July 2010 to tf-msp list CONFIDENTIAL. Will not be disclosed outside of the community or in anything other than an anonymous way Return deadline: 31 August 2010 9 responses received as of 3 September

4 Some questions from Steve Hogger, JANET(UK)
What steps are NRENs taking to ensure they can continue to fund their networks? Are NRENs (considering) charging customers and institutions for basic connectivity services (as opposed to additional services)? Are NRENs (considering) using alternative charging mechanisms e.g. usage-based? What obstacles or problems do they envisage with this? Do customers and institutions use alternative providers or networks to the NREN (or have they suggested they might)? Do NRENs obtain (or are they planning to obtain) alternative sources of income from e.g. other sectors e.g. Health or via other commercial operations? How do they charge for these? Are there any ways in which NRENs could further develop and share services to reduce costs or provide income?

5 Percentage of Funding dedicated to NREN activities

6 Percentage of NREN Funding derived from User/Client contributions

7 EU support for GN3 connectivity as a percentage of total NREN budget

8 Diversity of Funding Sources

9 Trends ?

10 Responses


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