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Income Current [Month] Expenses for Current [Month]

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1 Income Current [Month] Expenses for Current [Month]
Church of the Nativity January 2014 Financial Results B=Better (W)=Worse F U N D S R E C I V Income Current [Month] Actual Budget B/(W) · Pledges $32.8K $29.2K $3.6K · Reg. Give $7.7K $6.7K $1.0K · Other $0.7K $1.4K ($0.7K) · Total $41.2K $37.3K $3.9K · Net Income $6.2K Income [YTD] Actual Budget B/(W) · Pledges $32.8K $29.2 $3.6K · Reg. Give $7.7K $6.7K $1.0K · Other $0.7K $1.4K ($0.7K) · Total $41.2K $37.3K $3.9K · Net Income $6.2K Revenue up for month. Net income positive O P E R A T I N G X S Expenses for Current [Month] Actual Budget B/(W) · Programs $5.4K $7.3K $2.9K · Church Mgmt $16.0K $19.8K $3.8K · Operations $1.0K $1.8K $0.8K · Bldg/Grds $12.6K $8.4K ($4.2K) · Total $35.0K $37.3K $3.3K Expenses [YTD] Actual Budget B/(W) · Programs $5.4K $7.3K $2.9K · Church Mgmt $16.0K $19.8K $3.8K · Operations $1.0K $1.8K $0.8K · Bldg/Grds $12.6K $8.4K ($4.2K) · Total $35.0K $37.3K $3.3K Spending down for the month Spending down for the year

2 Church of the Nativity January 2014 Financial Results
B=Better W=Worse Assets: December 2013 YTD Liabilities: December 2013 YTD Actual Nov B/(W) Check/Svgs $177.6K $24.6K Other Curr $ 1.9K $0.1K Total Curr. $ 179.5K $24.7K Actual Nov B/(W) Current $ 11.0K ($1.6K) Desig Funds $115.8K $0.0K Mort $664.7K $1.4K BIF $ 29.2K $0.1K Other Restricted $ 19.1K $0.0K Total $840.0K ($0.1K) .

3 Church of the Nativity Jan. – Dec. 2014 Financial Results
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Pledges $32.8 Reg Give $7.7 Other $0.7 Total $41.2 2013 Total $50.7 $28.4 $43.9 $31.6 $29.5 $29.7 $29.3 $27.8 $29.6 $24.9 $32.1 $57.5 Total Exp. $35.0 Net Income $6.2 Cum Income Operating Funds $15.3

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