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Introduction to Health Science

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1 Introduction to Health Science

2 What is Diversity? Diversity includes all of the different aspects of people including age, culture, race, physical ability, gender, and religion.

3 What is Culture? Culture is how and where someone is raised.
Culture includes many things such as how people associate with one another, the way they act, the food that is eaten, dress, work habits, beliefs, speech, rituals, and what is deemed as important.

4 What is Ethnicity? Ethnicity describes the birthplaces of people. Examples of ethnic classifications include: African Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, Hispanic Americans, Middle Eastern/Arabic Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans.

5 Cultural Diversity and Health Care
How do cultural differences impact the delivery of health care? Religion Ethnicity National Origin (language) Gender Age Education Educational Status Mobility (including handicaps)

When health care services are delivered without regard for cultural differences, patients are at risk for sub-optimal care. Patients may be unable or unwilling to communicate their health care needs in a culturally insensitive environment, reducing the effectiveness of the health care process. Understanding the fundamental elements of culturally and linguistically appropriate services is necessary when striving for cultural competency in health care delivery.

7 A Hmong child was born with a clubfoot
A Hmong child was born with a clubfoot. Doctors felt that the foot would cause social embarrassment and make ambulation difficult and recommended an operation to reshape the foot. The family believed that the foot was a blessing, a reward for ancestral hardships. Because the family believed "fixing" the foot would bring shame and punishment to the family and Hmong community, they refused treatment. The family went to the Supreme Court to defend their right to refuse treatment. They won. What do you think should have happened in the court case? Why? In this case, the operation did not involve life or death. But what if it had?

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