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Surprisingly Super Summer Sunday Seminar Series

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1 Surprisingly Super Summer Sunday Seminar Series

2 GOAL Learn something you did not know before! About the Bible
About being a Christian About being a Presbyterian Christian Come as much as you can Don’t have to be here every Sunday

3 Schedule June 10, 17, 24 – Hello Bible
July 1, 8 –Presbyterian, for sure! July 15 – August 26 – What’s the Church for anyway The goal of the summer seminars series is to introduce/review background information about the Bible. What the Bible is, the outline of the Old Testament, and the outline of the New Testament. We’ll do all that in June 10, 17, and 24. Then we’ll move into a little background of the Presbyterian Church. We’ll spend a couple of Sundays in July looking at how the Old and New Testament gave rise to the Presbyterian Church. On July 1 we’ll look at where the Presbyterian Church came from and where it is today. On July 8 we’ll explore the basic structure and essentials of the Presbyterian Church. The last half of July and in August we’re going to spend some time looking at what we call the “Great Ends of the Church.” There are six fundamental reasons why we Presbyterians believe that our church exists. We going to take one per Sunday and hear about each one, have some time to think and discuss them, and see how each one is relevant to what God is calling KirdWood to be and become.

4 What the bible is! A human word about God. and God’s word to humans.

5 M.C Escher’s Drawing Hands
Both statements are true We do the same thing when we talk about Jesus Jesus was fully God Jesus was fully human How can you have both things at the same time? Great thinkers have been talking about that for a couple of thousand years! It’s called paradox – two things that are mutually exclusive yet exist side by side God is merciful God is just People are capable of acts of great love People are capable of acts of extreme evil M.C Escher’s Drawing Hands

6 The Bible was written by ancient eastern Hebrews.
There is no scientific explanation of the universe in the Bible. The Old Testament was written mostly in Hebrew – there are some very short passages in Aramaic The New Testament was written in Greek For instance there is no explanation in the Bible of where the snake in the Garden came from. The Bible does not answer the question – who was Cain’s wife About half the Bible is Hebrew narrative About a third is poetry About a third is expository – letters, Hebrew apocalyptic literature

7 The Bible many different kinds of literary devices
1/3 of the Bible is Hebrew Narrative Beautiful Intricately Designed Stories Ruth Jonah The Garden of Eden The relationship of the Hebrews and the Moabites The Levirate Marriage Traditions The stigma of childless women The importance of the genealogy at the end What is the story of Jonah really all about? Is it just a fish tale? How important is the creation story to the rest of the Bible

8 The Bible many different kinds of literary devices
1/3 of the Bible is Hebrew Poetry Much of it is very dense The Song of the Sea Exodus 15 The Song of Deborah Judges 5 Most of the Prophetic Writing The Psalms Job The relationship of the Hebrews and the Moabites The Levirate Marriage Traditions The stigma of childless women The importance of the genealogy at the end What is the story of Jonah really all about? Is it just a fish tale? How important is the creation story to the rest of the Bible

9 Anybody know the first poem in the Bible?
Genesis 1:27 The relationship of the Hebrews and the Moabites The Levirate Marriage Traditions The stigma of childless women The importance of the genealogy at the end What is the story of Jonah really all about? Is it just a fish tale? How important is the creation story to the rest of the Bible

10 The Bible many different kinds of literary devices
1/3 of the Bible is Hebrew Expository Writing Gospel Mail Hebrew Apocalyptic

11 What is the old testament?

12 It is the Hebrew bible!


14 Law, Teaching, Instruction
TA = Torah Law, Teaching, Instruction NA = Nevi’im Prophets KH = Ketuvim Writings

15 Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus
Torah = Pentateuch First Five Books Books of Moses Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus Numbers, Deuteronomy

16 Major Prophets, Minor Prophets
Nevi’im Major Prophets, Minor Prophets Joshua, Judges Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, The Twelve

17 Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles
Ketuvim Poetic Psalms, Proverbs, Job Scrolls Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther Historical Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles

18 Who wrote The old testament?

19 Evidence of writing the bible in the bible
Exodus 17:14 Exodus 24:4

20 Deuteronomy 31:24-26; 34:6, 10-12 Judges 21:25 Proverbs 1:1, 25:1, 30:1, 31:1 Jeremiah 36:32


22 Historians did not write the Old Testament
See verses like 1 Kings 14:41

23 When was it written?

24 Masoretic Text The Septuagint The Dead Sea Scrolls

25 Meticulously handwritten
Masoretic Text Leningrad Codex Completed in 1008 Meticulously handwritten To preserve God’s word

26 The Septuagint A Greek Translation of the Hebrew Bible
Completed about 200 B.C. The Bible of the First Century Church

27 Copies and fragments of the Hebrew Bible
The Dead Sea Scrolls Found in the 1940s Copies and fragments of the Hebrew Bible from as early as 200B.C.

28 What’s in the Old Testament

29 The Patriarchs – Genesis 12 – 50
Prehistory – Genesis 1 – 11 The Patriarchs – Genesis 12 – 50

30 Moses and the Exodus Exodus 1 – 18 At Mount Sinai Exodus 19 – Numbers 10:10

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