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Civil Rights and Conservatism Bring Changes – 1950-Present

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1 Civil Rights and Conservatism Bring Changes – 1950-Present
Unit 11 Vocabulary: Civil Rights and Conservatism Bring Changes – 1950-Present

2 Civil Rights – legally sanctioned individual freedoms guaranteed to citizens the buying and selling of

3 Activist– a person directly taking action to support a cause

4 Activist My Own sentence My Own Illustration _________________________

5 Segregation - to separate people, especially by race

6 Suburbs - communities established just outside of cities

7 suburbs My Own sentence My Own Illustration _________________________

8 Liberalism- ideology advocating for individual freedoms and the modification of institutions

9 Conservatism– ideology advocating for the preservation of tradition and established institutions

10 Liberalism My Own sentence My Own Illustration _________________________

11 Evangelical– refers to Christian believers and Churches which emphasis Biblical teachings

12 Prosperity- a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; good fortune

13 Prosperity My Own sentence My Own Illustration _________________________

14 Civic Participation - the way we involve ourselves within our community

15 Civic Responsibility -
the responsibility of citizens in a society to exhibit certain attitudes and actions related to participation in society and democratic governance

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