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Stress Management.

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1 Stress Management

2 Bellwork #5 1/7/15 How can stress affect your physical health?
What are some ways you personally cope with stress? Make a list of five things that are stressors for you. Next to each item, write how you can avoid that stressor before it happens.

3 What is Stress? Stress is the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands. Running late for school Pressure to perform well during a game Perception is the act of becoming aware through your senses You might believe an argument between a friend has ruined your relationship; they may perceive you’ll work it out eventually

4 Reacting to Stress Your reaction depends on your previous experiences

5 Reacting to Stress Positive or negative?

6 Causes of Stress A stressor is anything that causes stress.
A big game Finals Overloading yourself with activities What causes stress for you may not cause stress for another person

Mind and body go on high alert Fight-or-Flight RESISTANCE If exposure continues, your body adapts and reacts FATIGUE With prolonged exposure Body loses its ability to adapt Begin to tire and lose the ability to manage stressors

8 Managing Stress Redirect your Energy Exercise Meeting up with friends
Reading a book

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