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EC Monday Meeting Report March 17, 2008 Orlando, Florida, USA

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1 EC Monday Meeting Report March 17, 2008 Orlando, Florida, USA
Robert F. Heile

2 Monday EC Meeting-Orlando
March 2008 Monday EC Meeting-Orlando Reviewed Election procedures for the week James Gilb has been appointed as potential replacement for recording secretary 802 has been directed to complete a meeting planner RFP and issue a contract by Nov 2008 Board of Governors is engaged in developing a ‘Strategic Plan’ Bob Grow has been elected Chair of the Standards Board and number of other 802 people occupy various Standards Board positions There is a desire to eliminate the non-conflicted EC regarding will be addressed Friday. Ultimately needs to decided by the SASB Added an agenda topic to discuss criteria for conflict 802 Task Force—11n PatCom issue with CISRO still in the hands of IEEE. Sense is IEEE has over-reacted Robert F. Heile

3 Monday EC Meeting-Orlando
March 2008 Monday EC Meeting-Orlando continues with its sponsor ballot. Potential negative influence issues within Blocks being investigated. Fairly extension list of topics on 802 Task Force agenda including WPAN copyright, get 802, trademarks, and myProject. Meeting Wednesday Get 802 program—4.1 million program to date, 650k year to date, , 802.3, , and are top hitters. Program is returning to the six month waiting period. Will be cleaned up by July but the potential for continued areas of disagreement still exist Robert F. Heile

4 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando
March 2008 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando IEEE SA looking into whether it wants to be in the patent pool business Attendance SW—Ran fairly well in TPE. Still a few rough edges. Need to sort out how (and who by) the system is hosted in the long run. Also need to a generic interface to any registration system. Meeting Weds On line training plugging along with around 60 course completions per year. Time to sign up again for hosting services. Need to do something different. Recommendation on Friday Staff Liaison Report—IEEE SA will send regular reminders to the WG Chairs seeking potential drafts that might be stable enough for sale Robert F. Heile

5 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando
March 2008 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando Treasurer’s Report—1424 attended in ATL, Session surplus of $95K. Looking at moving the reserve up to $1M to cover non North American Sessions, currently at $900K. Meeting on 802 Treasury Weds Orlando Session attendance looks to be around Expect around a $100K surplus Robert F. Heile

6 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando
March 2008 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando ISO/JTC1/SC6 update Revision Comment resolution took place in London. Almost a fiasco. Relevance overshadowed by new IEEE/ISO agreement which should make it a lot easier to get ISO approval if it is even needed any more. US TAG meeting Tues at 1930 in the Executive Board Room. First portion of the meeting will be open to discuss the new agreement Current 802 P&P can be found on 802 web site. Main task now is separation of current P&P into an Ops Manual and a Baseline P&P. Robert F. Heile

7 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando
March 2008 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando Non North American Venue Update (meeting Weds ). Plenary host guidelines sent out with a request for Letters of Intent by March 1. Interest received from Huawei, Nortel, Alvarlon, and University of Twente to be hosts IMT-Advanced inputs delivered in January in Geneva. Members from 11, 16 and 18 were in attendance. WGs need to decide if they will participate in a joint input on IMT Advanced to be completed by November Session Robert F. Heile

8 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando
March 2008 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando Need to declare you affiliations or loose your voting status. Robert F. Heile

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