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COSEWIC and the BC Seafood Industry Mart Gross Professor of Conservation Biology and Fisheries Science University of Toronto 7 January 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "COSEWIC and the BC Seafood Industry Mart Gross Professor of Conservation Biology and Fisheries Science University of Toronto 7 January 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 COSEWIC and the BC Seafood Industry Mart Gross Professor of Conservation Biology and Fisheries Science University of Toronto 7 January 2004

2 SSC Species Specialist Sub-Committee Marine Fishes 2 Co-chairs, 12 scientists COSEWIC Independent 29 votes Based on biology GOV. Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council SSC Recomm. COSEWIC List SARA Legal List Emergency Listing Request Unsolicited Status Reports & Information Inform Public & Stakeholders Candidate List Status Report AssessmentReviewAssign Status OVERVIEW OF LISTING PROCESS

3 STATUS OF ASSESSED MARINE FISHES ENDANGERED Atlantic Cod (Nfld. & Lab. pop.)Gadus morhua May 2003 Atlantic SalmonSalmo salar May 2001 Coho Salmon (Interior Fraser pop.)Oncorhynchus kisutch May 2002 Sockeye Salmon (Cultus pop.)Oncorhynchus nerka May 2003 Sockeye Salmon (Sakinaw pop.)Oncorhynchus nerka May 2003 THREATENED BocaccioSebastes paucispinis Nov 2002 Atlantic Cod (Laurentian North pop.)Gadus morhua May 2003 CuskBrosme brosme May 2003 Northern WolffishAnarhichas denticulatus May 2001 Spotted WolffishAnarhichas minor May 2001 SPECIAL CONCERN Atlantic Cod (Arctic pop.)Gadus morhua May 2003 Atlantic Cod (Maritimes pop.)Gadus morhua May 2003 Atlantic WolffishAnarhichas lupus Nov 2000 DATA DEFICIENT Pighead PricklebackAcantholupenus mackayi May 2003 Bering WolffishAnarhichas orientalis Nov 2002 NOT AT RISK Pacific SardineSardinops sagax May 2002 Fourhorn Sculpin (Salt water form)Myoxocephalus quadricornis Apr 1989 Wolf-eelAnarrhichthys ocellatus May 2003

4 COSEWIC Designatable Units Wildlife species means a species, subspecies, variety or geographically or genetically distinct population… (SARA 2002) Criteria for Recognition (1)Established taxonomy (e.g., subspecies; cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) vs. coastal cutthroat trout (O. clarkii clarkii)) (2) Genetic distinction (e.g., Sakinaw Lake Sockeye; Interior Fraser Coho) (3) Range disjunction (e.g., spiny dogfish, Atlantic vs. Pacific) (4) Biogeographic regions

5 COSEWIC Assessment Criteria IUCN (2001) Quantitative Criteria Endangered Threatened A.Declining Total Population 1.Understood and controllable 70% 50% 2.Non-understood 50% 30% B. Small Distribution and Decline or Fluctuation 1.Occurrence< 500 km 2 < 20,000 km 2 2.Occupancy< 500 km 2 < 2,000 km 2 And Two of: a. Locations 5 10 b.DeclineContinuingContinuing c.Fluctuation (order of magnitude)> 1> 1


7 SUMMARY 1.COSEWIC is integral to SARA. 2.Marine fishes are relatively new. 3.In development – candidate list; salmon DUs. 4.Population trend data are key for status designation. 5.Stakeholders share goals and are potentially valuable contributors. - encourage and support assessment

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