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Changes of State Ch. 2.2.

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1 Changes of State Ch. 2.2

2 Changes of State Why does Ice Cream Melt?
Ice cream melts because it takes in _thermal_ _energy_ from the air and your hand. Ice Cream Melting (1:15)

3 Changes Between Solids and Liquids
A. Which state of matter of the same substance has the most thermal energy? Gas 1. Which has the least? Solid States of Matter (4:38)

4 Solids and Liquids B. Melting = change in state from a
_solid_ to a _liquid_ 1. Melting point = _temperature_ at which a solid changes to a liquid 2. At its melting point, the particles of a _solid_ are _vibrating_ so fast they break free from their _fixed_ positions. Brain Pop Matter Changing States

5 Solids and Liquids C. Freezing = change in state from a liquid to a _solid_ 1. Melting point = _Freezing_ point Bill Nye Water Cycle Clip (2:57)

6 III. Changes Between Liquid and Gas
A. Vaporization = change from a liquid to a _gas_ B. Evaporation = _vaporization_ that takes place only on the _surface_ of liquid Brain Pop Property Changes

7 Liquid and Gas C. Boiling = _vaporization_ that takes place on the _surface_ and _below_ in a liquid to change to a _gas_ 1. Boiling point = the _temperature_ at which a liquid changes to a gas (boils)

8 Liquid and Gas D. Condensation = particles in a gas _lose_ thermal energy and form a _liquid_ 1. The opposite of vaporization is _condensation_

9 IV. Changes Between Solid and Gas
A. Sublimation = the surface particles of a solid _gain_ enough energy to form a _gas_. B. During Sublimation, particles of a _solid_ do not pass through the _liquid_ state as they form a _gas_. 1. One example of Sublimation = __dry ice__

10 Math (p.52) Temperature and Changes of State
Review the Graph in Your Textbook Discuss on the Next Slide Answer Questions 1 – 5 in your Notes!

11 Math (p. 52) Temperature and Changes of State
Review the Graph

12 Questions 1. The 2 variables on the graph are _Time_ and _Temperature_. 2. Segment C shows a rise in temperature from_-_O_°C to _lOO_°C. 3. Segment B represents the _freezing_ or _melting_ _points_ of water. Segment D represents the _boiling_ _point_ of water.

13 Questions 4. Melting shows a change from a _solid_ to a _liquid_. Boiling shows a change from a _liquid_ to a _gas_. 5. Water molecules in _E_ have more thermal energy because they are at a _higher_ temperature. Dry Ice Experiment (2:21)

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