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Presidential Staff and Advisors

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1 Presidential Staff and Advisors
I. The President is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the United States. He is the head of the entire executive branch.

2 Presidential Staff and Advisors
I. White House Staff- Over 300 people who work in the West Wing of the White House. The president’s closest advisors. West Wing and Oval Office

3 A. Chief of Staff- President’s top advisor. Almost like a co-President
A. Chief of Staff- President’s top advisor. Almost like a co-President. Heads the White House Staff. 1. Current Chief of Staff: John Kelly

4 B. National Security Advisor- Advises on foreign affairs
B. National Security Advisor- Advises on foreign affairs. Gives the president his daily security brief. 1. National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster C. Domestic Policy Advisor- Advises the president on issues in the US- economy, jobs, disasters. 1. Current DPA Andrew Bremberg D. White House Counsel- Lawyer who advises the president on legal issues.

5 E. Legislative Affairs Director- Meets with members of congress/tries to promote the President’s agenda. F. Public Liaison- Meets with special interest groups/ listens to concerns.

6 G. Press Secretary- Most visible white house staffer
G. Press Secretary- Most visible white house staffer. Spokesperson for the White House. Briefs the media daily. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Press Secretary getting challenged by media.

7 H. Political Affairs Director- Takes polls. Writes speeches.
I. First Lady’s Staff- Represents the president in Chief of State Role. Also takes on a pet project.

8 II. Executive Office of the President- Nearly 2,000 others who work to help the above advisors carry out the president’s policies. A. EOP also includes the Vice President and his staff.

9 III. The Cabinet- Leaders of the Executive Departments that help the president carry out the duties of the Executive Branch.

10 High turnover rate for many of these political appointments.

11 President Trump’s Cabinet

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