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Learning objectives are to understand more about;

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1 Learning objectives are to understand more about;
Human Dignity Learning objectives are to understand more about; Needs and Wants Disability Homelessness Education

2 Human dignity Definition: Every person has the right to live with dignity. Human dignity is when people's basic needs are met. E.g food, clean water, education, to feel safe at home, shelter.




6 Needs and Wants Needs; Education Food & Medical needs Clean Water
Shelter Security Wants; New car Holiday abroad Sky TV Maslow's theory called the Hierarchy of needs found that people are more motivated when their Basic needs are met.


8 Disability Discrimination when people are treated unfairly or judged unfairly because of their age, gender, race, skin colour or religion or disability etc. People with disabilities have achieved in sport, careers and life generally. E.g John Lennon of the Beatles, Keira Knightly actress and Michael phelps swimming champion. Enable Ireland is an organisation helps support families with disabilities. Louis Braille developed a blind alphabet for blind people. Special Olympics & Camphill communities help. I

9 Homelessness Peter Mc Verry Trust Focus Ireland St Vincent De Paul
Why? Helpful organisations Can't repay mortgage Lose job and relationship War Poverty Addiction Abuse at home Peter Mc Verry Trust Focus Ireland St Vincent De Paul The Simon Community Soup kitchens

10 Girls and education Fewer chances to go to school than boys and men.
Men still earn more and run more companies than women. Improved health, improved world generally etc etc with education. Education is a human dignity issue because if you don't educate all people then there would be less health, less jobs, less enterprise, less standards for humans generally, less safety, less agriculture, less water sanitation etc etc.

11 In conclusion Human dignity happens when basic needs are met including the education of boys and girls. People from all backgrounds including those with disabilities deserve to be treated fairly, respected and not to be judged before you get to know them. Homelessness happens for many reasons so we shouldn't judge. We should give to organisations that help people's human dignity. Education is key to Human Dignity as without education we cannot build enterprise, understand health, create food and have clean water.


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