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Lake Macroinvertebrate IC EC-GIG

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Presentation on theme: "Lake Macroinvertebrate IC EC-GIG"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lake Macroinvertebrate IC EC-GIG
Gabriel Chiriac for RO (lead) Gabor Varbiro for HU Georg Wolfram for BG Jürgen Böhmer for statistics

2 Methods, Pressures IC Option
HU RO BG Own method Adopts HU method Eutr., Hymo, lake use IC Option Assessment methods differ and sampling is too different for option 3 (sampling area, sampled habitats, determination level etc.)  Option 2 (common metrics) Pressure relationships: Assessments, sampling and pressures on lake level Demonstrated well for Hu and RO Not possible for BG (only one lake)

3 Data Basis HU: 29 samples in 20 lakes RO: 232 samples in 22 lakes
BG: 3 samples in 1 lake  no statistics possible  BG adopted HU method Whole lake pressure data: chemistry, landuse, hydromorphology, recreational pressure and fisheries Multivariate stressor index chosen for standardisation, common metric selection and other analyses: All lakes are IC-Type L-EC1

4 Benchmarking Only very few reference lakes  reference benchmarking not possible  Continuous benchmarking applied Linear mixed models with with the biological metrics as dependent variable, the combined pressure variable as covariates and the country as random factor; slope as fixed and intercept as random factors  intercept deviation Subtraction method for standardisation of the metrics

5 Common Metrics All candidate metrics were standardised by continuous benchmarking as described before Standardised single metrics were normalised using 10- and 90-%tiles of all metric values as anchors to get comparable values for the different metrics  1 near reference conditions, 0 at worst status Final intercalibration common metric (ICM) average of normalised Shannon-Wiener diversity, BMWP and % dominant families, thus covering all WFD criteria (diversity, sensitive/tolerant taxa, composition): ICM = ([ShW_norm]+[BMWP_norm]+[domFam_norm])/3

6 Ecological Quality Ratios Good-moderate boundary
Boundary comparison Romania‘s boundaries needed adjustment  Final boundaries (agreed and accepted): Member State Classification Ecological Quality Ratios Method High-good boundary Good-moderate boundary HU/BG HMMI lakes 0.85 0.65 RO ECO-NL-BENT 0.93 0.60

7 Suitability of the HU method for BG
BG assessments with HU method fit into the pressure response curve of HU (and also the EQR / common metric relationship)  The BG lake can be treated like a HU lake

8 Conclusions Boundaries are agreed and accepted
Ecercise was reviewed and accepted with minor changes, which have been carried out

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