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Biological Classification: How would you group these animals?

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Presentation on theme: "Biological Classification: How would you group these animals?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biological Classification: How would you group these animals?

2 Classification Also known as taxonomy
Allows scientist to examine relationships between various organisms Allows construction of evolutionary trees to explore origins of life on Earth


4 Structures of Organisms
Homologous Structures- A homologous structure is an example of an organ or bone that appears in different animals but that shows animals must have had a common ancestor. Analogous Structures- Analogous structures are similar features of different animals that perform the same function and have similar appearance but have not evolved together.

5 Homologous Structures

6 Analogous Structures

7 Embryological Similarities
Human developmental patterns are similar to those of other vertebrates.

8 Summary

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