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The Gestapo.

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1 The Gestapo

2 The Gestapo The Geheime Staatspolizei (German for Secret State Police, abbreviated “Gestapo”) was formally organised after the Nazis seized power in Hermann Goring, the Prussian Minister of the interior, detached the espionage and political units of the Prussian police, and staffed them with thousands of Nazis. Goring became the commander of this new force on 26th April, At the same time that Goring was organising the Gestapo, Heinrich Himmler was directing the SS (Schutzstaffel, German for “Protective Echelon”), Hitler’s elite paramilitary corps. In April 1936, he was given command of the Gestapo as well, integrating all of Germany’s police units under Himmler.

3 The Gestapo Later in 1936, the Gestapo was merged with the Kriminalpolizei (or “Kripo”, German for Criminal police). The newly integrated unit was called the Sicherheitspolizei (or “Sipo,” German for secret Police). In 1939, during the reorganisation of the German armies, the Sipo was joined with an intelligence branch of the military known as the Sicherheitspolizei (“SD,” meaning security service). After this merger, the Sipo became known as the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (“RSHA,” meaning Reich Security Central Office), and was headed by Reinhard Heydrich. Because of these frequent changes, the functions of the Gestapo became blurred, and often overlapped with those of the other branches of the German forces.

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