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6/6/2014 1 Computer Science Department Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte - Brazil.

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Presentation on theme: "6/6/2014 1 Computer Science Department Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte - Brazil."— Presentation transcript:

1 6/6/2014 1 Computer Science Department Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte - Brazil

2 2 6/6/2014 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais First School : Law (1898) UMG: 1927 (4 schools) UFMG: 1948 Year 2011: Schools: 20 Faculty: ~2,600 PhD: 2128 (82%) MSc : 318 (13.4%) Others: 154 (6.6%)

3 3 6/6/2014 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Undergraduate Degree: 80 courses, 26,000 students MSc Degree: 66 programs, 4,000 students PhD Degree: 57 programs, 3,000 students Professional Certification: 81 courses, 6,000 students Extra-Mural (Community courses): 500 courses Annual Admitance: 6,600 new students Research Groups: 773 Scientific Production: 11,923 (2009) National Patents: 276 International Patents: 115 Registered Trademarks: 44

4 4 6/6/2014 Computer Science Department Established in 1976 Faculty: 53 49 PhD 4 MSc Visiting researchers: ~ 3 Administrative staff: 30 System Analysts: 38 Teaching Assistants: ~40 Undergrad Interns: ~ 40

5 5 6/6/2014 Computing Facilities Local Area Network supported by 30 servers Internet connection through 10 Gbps links 600+ workstations 06 Infrastructure Laboratories 28 Research Laboratories Internet Connection Provider: POP-MG High Performance Computer Center: CENAPAD (~850 cores, ~9TFlops)

6 Computer Science (BS + M + PhD) Information Science (BS) Computational Math (BS) Bio-Informatics (PhD) Main Courses

7 Undergraduate Course intended to produce professionals able to develop and apply computer technology to provide solutions to problems and quests from society and organizations Created in 2005 (40 + 40) new students/year Degrees awarded: 32 professionals Information Systems Degree

8 Computer Science Math Economy & Accounting Information Science Business Humanistic Disciplines Information Systems Degree

9 Course intended to produce professionals able to develop complex computer system and sophisticated tools Created in 1978 (TPD 1973) (40 + 40) new students/year ENADE 2008 (Ministry of Education): best CS course in Brazil 5th among courses of all areas Degrees awarded: 1,506 professionals Computer Science Degree

10 Computer Science Math Statistics Business Physics Economy & Accounting Computer Science Degree

11 11 6/6/2014 CS Graduate Program Created in 1974 MSc (1974): 116 students currently enrolled 734 MSc degrees awarded since 1975 PhD (1991): 79 students currently enrolled 102 PhD degrees awarded since 1991 32 M/D Advisors

12 12 6/6/2014 CS Graduate Program Scholarships Number of Scholarships: 99 (50% of student body) Capes: 48 – 38 (M) + 10 (D) PROF: 25 (M) + 06 (D) BPT: 04 (M) + 01 (D) REUNI: 17 (M) + 18 (D) INCT: 03 (M) + 01 (D) CNPq: 43 – 23 (M) + 20 (D) Program: 17(M) + 13(D) Supervisors: 06(M) + 07(D) FAPEMIG: 08 – 04(M) + 04(D)

13 13 6/6/2014 Research Staff Profile USA: UCLA, Stanford, Princeton, Penn, UCSC, Carnegie Mellon, Vanderbilt, Rochester, UC Riverside, U. Arizona, U. Wisconsin, Virginia Polytechnic, UC Santa Barbara, U. Maryland Brazil: USP, PUC-RIO, UFRJ, UFMG France: INPG, P. Sabatier, Paris Sud, Paris VI, Pierre et Marie Curie England: East Anglia, Manchester, Oxford, Southampton, Kent Canada: UBC, Waterloo

14 Main Research Areas Artificial Intelligence BioInformatics Computer Graphics Image Processing Code Optimization Computer Networks Distributed Systems Databases Data Mining Embedded Comp. System Formal Specification Formal Semantics H & S Integrated Systems Information Retrieval Mobile Computing Numerical Analysis Operational Research Parallel and Dist. Computing Programming Languages Robotics and Active Perception Software Engineering Web Data Management

15 Research Cooperation UMIST, UK George Mason University, USA IBM Rio Scientific Center University of Chile INPG, France Vanderbilt University, USA INRIA, France INESC, Portugal U. Blaise Pascal, France Pennsylvania State Univ., USA UFRGS, Brazil Stanford University, USA University of Oxford, UK University of British Columbia, Canada Boston University, USA University of Pennsylvania, USA ESIEE, France U. de La República, Uruguay Technische Univ, Germany U. E. Mondlane, Moçambique

16 Research Projects Funding CNPq: ~ 35 FAPEMIG: ~24 FINEP: 2 UFMG: 3 International cooperation: 11 CAPES/COFECUB, CAPES/CAPF-BA CNPQ/DLR ALPHA PROJECT FAPEMIG/INRIA CNPq/Brasil-India CNPq/NSF

17 17 6/6/2014 CS Graduate Program Ranking Capes (2010): 48 graduate CS programs in Brazil Capes Triennial Evaluation (2010): level 7: 03 (6%) (PUC-Rio, COPPE-UFRJ, UFMG) level 6: 04 (8%) (UFRGS, USP-SC, UFPE, UNICAMP) level 5: 02 (4%) (USP, UFF) level 4: 18 (38%) level 3: 21 (44%)

18 18 6/6/2014 CS Graduate Program Production Publications (2009): 123 papers on Conferences 38 papers on International Journals 01 book (international) 19 book chapters (international) Degrees Awarded (total): PhD: 102 MSc: 734

19 19 6/6/2014 Extension Activities Courses open to the community Over 5,000 professionals trained Courses specially tailored to companies Main courses: Database Design, Object-Oriented Programming, Programming in C++/Java Graduate Programs for Professionals (Lato Sensu) System Analysis, Software Eng & Telecomunications 100 students enrolled 718 degrees awarded

20 20 6/6/2014

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