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Psalm 66:1-5 ( Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 66:1-5 ( Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 66:1-5 ( Tune: How Sweet, How Heavenly)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 66A Music: William B. Bradbury Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. All lands to God in joy-ful sounds a-loft your voic-es…
raise. Sing forth the hon- or of his name, and glo-rious make his… praise.

3 2. Say un- to God how ter- ri- ble in all Thy works…
art Thou! Through Thy great power Thy foes to Thee shall be con-strained… to bow.

4 3. Yes all the earth shall wor-ship Thee, and un-to Thee…
shall sing; And to Thy name most glo- ri- ous their songs of praise shall… bring.

5 4. O come, be-hold the works of God, his might-y do-ings see;
in deal-ing with the sons of men most ter- ri- ble is he.

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