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What was life like 100 years ago?

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Presentation on theme: "What was life like 100 years ago?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What was life like 100 years ago?
A Question... What was life like 100 years ago?

2 So, if my maths is correct 100 years would make it 1914.
What was something BIG that happened in 1914?

3 How did World War One start?
It is like the ‘my brother is bigger than your brother’ syndrome.

4 Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne.

5 Australia, India, NZ, SA, Canada
How WWI unfolded. Serbia Austria-Hungary Russia Germany France Italy Turkey Britain Australia, India, NZ, SA, Canada Japan USA

6 Area of conflict

7 Australia in World War 1 Australian Prime Minister, Andrew Fisher cabled the British Government: ‘Australia is with you to the last man standing and the last shilling.’ August 1914

8 Duty bound to Britain


10 + The Impact + The whole Gallipoli operation:
17,970 Australian casualties 8,141 deaths.



13 What is a slouch hat? What does digger mean?
What does digger mean? Miners General’s comment

14 The Rise of the ANZAC The British war correspondent Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett provided the first reports of the landing at Anzac Cove by the newly formed Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC). His report was published in Australia on 8 May 1915: They waited neither for orders nor for the boats to reach the beach, but, springing out into the sea, they waded ashore, and, forming some sort of rough line, rushed straight on the flashes of the enemy’s rifles. Ashmead-Bartlett's account of the soldiers was unashamedly heroic: There has been no finer feat in this war than this sudden landing in the dark and the storming of the heights... General Birdwood told the writer that he couldn't sufficiently praise the courage, endurance and the soldierly qualities of the Colonials (The Australians) were happy because they had been tried for the first time and not found wanting.

15 Key Questions Why does such a defeat have such an important place on the Australian calendar? Is ANZAC Day just for the diggers in WW1? What can we do today to remember the ANZACs?

16 The Ode Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them."

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