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Macbeth Act V Lady Macbeth is going insane-always carrying a candle. Candle is representative of God’s light-she needs light by her to avoid her guilt.

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Presentation on theme: "Macbeth Act V Lady Macbeth is going insane-always carrying a candle. Candle is representative of God’s light-she needs light by her to avoid her guilt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macbeth Act V Lady Macbeth is going insane-always carrying a candle. Candle is representative of God’s light-she needs light by her to avoid her guilt. 3rd Hallucination: Blood on L.M.’s hands- guilt about killing King Duncan. Macbeth is still feeling confident that he will remain in his position of power.

2 Many of Macbeth’s supporters are fleeing- the country is out of control and has been since he took power. Soldiers cut down branches to hide their numbers. Lady Macbeth commits suicide. Macbeth faces Young Siward and kills him. His father (Siward) wants to know if he had his hurts on the front which meant that he died like a man.

3 Tomorrow Speech Macbeth’s speech about mortality and life- it is meaningless and pathetic. Life is but a “walking shadow”… “Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

4 Macbeth faces Macduff and finds out that he was born of a woman.
They fight and Macduff kills Macbeth. Malcolm becomes Scotland’s King!!!

5 Very Important to Remember
Definition of a Tragic Hero 1-supernatural elements (witches, ghosts) 2-tragic hero : person with noble qualities and a flaw in his character 3-tragic error: some disorder that has been committed against the laws of nature and needs to be corrected. 4-Conflict: with country or with the hero himself

6 5-revenge ...the hero is usually often revenged or he is being avenged
6-sad ending: the death, downfall or destruction 7-comic relief : some light scenes to relieve the stress of tragic events


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