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Work Plan Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Plan Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Plan Development

2 Outline Learning objectives – why work plan?
Top five reasons why a work plan is important What are the recent updates? Target date, signing first or second page, emergency contact, pre-construction & post construction activity, etc. Work plan development (Process): Preparation, review, revision & approval

3 Why is a Work Plan Important?
1. Because it is the law! 105 IAC (b) (1): A work plan shall be submitted whether or not any facility relocations are required. It is not a matter of opinion or an option, it is the law. Utilities are obligated to submit their work plans to accommodate a highway improvement project. The work plan is the document that unites the utility facility’s proposed relocation work to the project. The work plan is a plan for the Utility to carry out facility relocation to accommodate the project. A Utility with facilities in the project area will provide a work plan as required by 105 IAC (b). A work plan can include up to four components; the narrative, the relocation drawing, a cost estimate, and easement documents. Everyone knows where everyone goes

4 Why is a Work Plan Important?
2. Because it focuses on deliverables: Target out of conflict date Pre-construction schedule Construction schedule Relocation drawing Cost estimate Proof of property interest Everyone knows where everything goes e.g. prior to RF or prior to Letting

5 Why is a Work Plan Important?
3. Because it is a signed commitment/contract A work plan is a signed commitment by a utility to accurately relocate its facilities on schedule. Projects are let based on information obtained from utility work plans. A utility may be held accountable, for utility-related delay claims. Utilities will be held accountable for any delays caused solely by their inaction/wrong action. FHWA does not participate in utility related claims unless the delay is caused due to force majors such as severe weather conditions, national emergencies. That is why we require utilities to use their letter heads while submitting their work plans and we want the staff of the utility (authorized representative or his/her designate) to sign off as opposed to a consultant. Everyone knows where everything goes

6 Why is a Work Plan Important?
4. No surprises during construction: The work plan is a major tool to avoid surprises during construction. The utility team shall demonstrate due diligence in reviewing & approving work plans. Last chance before construction stage! Everyone knows where everything goes Everyone knows where everyone goes

7 Why is a Work Plan Important?
5: Because we use the work plan as an input: Utility risk management report Gantt chart Utility special provision Utility coordination certificate Everyone knows where everything goes

8 Preamble 105 IAC : Work plan is defined as a plan of the utility to carry out facility relocation to accommodate an improvement project. Use preliminary final project plan (Stage 3/90%). Prepare and send letter Request Work Plan. Use the most recent work plan template. Go to the INDOT website. The utility coordinator will sign the letter, place a copy in the project file, send a digital copy via to the utility oversight agent, and send the original to the utility company. Contact the utility company within two weeks to verify that it received the letter requesting a work plan and indicate the date of receipt. Alternatively, send the letter by registered mail return receipt requested or by return receipt requested. The return receipt can be used to verify that the utility company received the letter requesting a work plan and the plans. Record that the utility company received the letter requesting a work plan and place a copy of that document in the project file.

9 When is a Work Plan Due? Sixty (60) days for a minor project; and
One hundred twenty (120) days for a major project. An additional thirty (30) days will be allowed to furnish the work plan if coordination is required with another utility or utilities. If a work plan is not received on time: Contact the authorized representative and notify the oversight agent.

10 Work Plan Revision Non-compatible work plans shall be returned to the utility immediately. The utility shall submit a revised work plan within 30 days. If the revised work plan is not compatible, the UC will prepare an alternate work plan. The utility shall accept/make changes to the alternate plan within 30 days.

11 Section 1: General Information
Everyone knows where everything goes

12 General Info……continued
Everyone knows where everything goes

13 General Info……continued

14 Section 2: Location Info
Everyone knows where everything goes

15 Section 3 & 4 Property interest & work in contract
Be aware of working on Railroad R/W – extra time and costs to get permits reviewed and approved, Utilities have to obtain their own environmental, railroad permits, and permits from Cities and counties.

16 Section 5: Pre-construction

17 Section 6: Construction
If relocation work dependent on work to be done by other utilities, list the other utilities and the sequencing of their work in relation to one another. (ex. a pole can’t be removed before the attacher’s remove their cables) Double check if the same utilities listed here are also listed in the work plan of the other utility too. How many days does the utility need to begin construction after the other utilities, INDOT and its contractor completed its work? This information shall be used to update the SPECIAL PROVISION. If the relocation work dependent on the work to be done by INDOT or its contractor, list the type of activities. (ex. acquisition of new R/W, demolition of buildings, tree clearing, staking etc.) If R/W is not acquired obtain Rights of entry to utility work. Advise the PM if clearing contractor need to be hired prior to the main contractor. Consider using the consultant to do the staking.

18 Sections 7, 8, & 9: Attachments

19 Work Plan Review Ensure each work plan is compatible with:
INDOT permit requirements (UAP) The project plans The construction schedule Other utility relocation work plans Project’s NEPA doc & Summary of Commitments Ensure the relocation scheme and cost for compensable work is reasonable REMEMBER: Everyone knows where everything goes

20 Work Plan Review Refer to Chapter 104 Utility Coordination
All sections and subsection of the work plan are filled out and signed properly. All section and subsections that are not applicable to the utility are marked as N/A . The information provided in the narrative portion shall be consistent with the information on the drawings. The pre-construction and construction activities will be completed before the target out of conflict date provided in section 1 (6). Check if the days add up. If they don’t add up advise the PM on the discrepancy. As a result, the letting date may be moved, the construction sequencing may be changed, the utility special provision may be updated accordingly. The information provided in the work plan is consistent with the work plans of other utilities whose works are related. Schedule of the utility does not conflict with the schedules of other utilities working in the same area. Check if the work plan is consistent with INDOT Utility Accommodation Policy, INDOT Design Manual, and INDOT Standards and Specifications. Refer to Chapter 104 Utility Coordination

21 Sections 10 & 11: Approval

22 Work Plan Approval Letter
The signatory on section 10 has to be the employee of the utility. We don’t allow consultants working for cities or utilities to signoff on behalf of the utility company. The utility company has to own the work plans. The signatory as the utility coordinator on section 11 has to match with that of the name on section 2 of the work plan. To be signed by the utility oversight agent (an employee of INDOT; district or central office). Relocation permit to occupy public right-of-way. Notice to proceed with preconstruction activities. In rare cases (if a utility is relocating on their own easements), a notice to proceed with construction activities.

23 Work Plan Addendums: Addendums can either be INDOT initiated or utility initiated. A utility shall submit a revised work plan with a new cost estimate (if reimbursable). The utility coordinator shall review the addendum; and send it to the approval of the oversight agent. If an addendum is required during construction, the PE and the contractor need to be actively involved in developing a viable solution (final copies provided).

24 Work Plan Addendum Letter
What is the change of work? What is the cost? Who is paying for it? What is the impact on construction schedule? Revise exhibits to executed agreements, if reimbursable. Request additional funding, if reimbursable.

25 Notice to Proceed to Relocation
Does the work of the utility depend on the schedule(s) of other utilities? Are all the parcels needed by the utility acquired? Are RsOE obtained on condemned or delayed acquisitions? Is the right-of-way cleared from trees & other obstructions? Is the RW staked? Staking%20and%20Clearing%20Right%20of%20Way.pdf Does the work of the utility depend on the INDOT contractor? RsOE: Rights of Entry. Please use the Right-of-way clearing and staking flow chart from the INDOT website

26 Gantt Charts & Schedules

27 Indiana Design Manual IDM 104-1.03 (3) Utility Coordinator
#58. Prepare a Gantt chart for all utility relocation work that reflects the start time, finish time and duration for each independent section of the utility facility relocation work. Ensure the chart has information regarding the geographical direction (east to west) the utilities are operating.

28 When Should We Do Schedules?
Schedules now need to be completed at three points in time: Preliminary Stage At/During PFC Meeting, to estimate how long relocations will take….could affect Letting Prior to Work Plan Approved Stage To be sure there is proper summation of utilities’ relocations….could affect contractor start date Construction Stage Based on actual progress made by each relocating utility….could lead to contractor “delay” claim

29 Types of Schedules INDOT now requires a visual schedule, such as “Gantt Project” Free, public domain software You may use other programs: MS Project Schedule Excel spreadsheet Others acceptable (key is visual) Keep them as simple and practical as possible Everyone knows where everything goes

30 Gantt Charts Remember these from college? Various types of schedules
Bar Charts (low complexity) CPM (high complexity) Gantt Charts (mid-level complexity)

31 Gantt Charts Advantages
A picture speaks a 1000 words! Allows all parties involved to be able to quickly understand the true utility involvement. Project managers and Utility Coordinators can get up to speed by looking at a Gantt chart in a matter of a couple minutes versus minutes of reading and trying to digest the RSP 107 written durations. Visual Gantt chart if there are multiple utilities moving, time is critical, complicated relocations or site restrictions. Multiple work elements/tasks Tracks “Start” and “Finish” dates Shows durations Obvious interconnection/relationships Visual easy to understand/interpret

32 Utility Schedule So why is INDOT requiring it?
To determine IF construction can be DONE: Without conflicts with utilities Simultaneous with relocations To avoid overlaps BETWEEN: Various utilities’ relocation schedules Utilities’ schedules vs. contractor’s To help: Utilities be aware & coordinate amongst themselves Identify “under-builds” on aerial electric lines Facilitate preceding activities, even pre-construction (acquire ROW, stake ROW, clear trees, etc.)

33 Utility Schedule So what inputs are needed?
Preconstruction schedules of each utility Relocation schedules of each utility ROW Clear and ROW Staked dates Direction each utility plans to proceed “Target Date” department/contractor wants utilities moved Engineer’s MOT schedule Engineer’s phasing/sequencing of CX Contractor’s overall schedule

34 Example Gantt Chart

35 Example Conflict from Gantt Chart

36 Citizens of Indiana PAY either way
Conclusion Why do a Gantt Chart? Required by IDM , Item #58 Presents all schedule conflicts visually Shared easily w/ PM, utilities & Area Eng. Substantiates the completed “Work Plans” Reinforces the submitted “Utility Special provisions.” Aids in avoiding costly delays – Citizens of Indiana PAY either way

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