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Revolution and Religion

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Presentation on theme: "Revolution and Religion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revolution and Religion
I. Introduction II. Religion and the French Revolution--Reason and Terror III. Conclusion--New Directions for Christianity in a Modern Era A. New Relations Between Church and State B. Religious Change after the French Revolution C. Practical Outcomes



4 Festival of the Supreme Being

5 Pantheon and Tomb of Voltaire: Paris

6 Count Metternich: Europe’s Conservative Powerbroker

7 Chateaubriand—The Tousled Head of Romanticism

8 Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834)
Father of Modern Protestant Theology

9 Catherine Labouré

10 Charles Simeon:

11 William Wilberforce (1759-1833) and the Abolition of the Slave Trade

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