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Encouragers in the Early Church

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1 Encouragers in the Early Church
Lesson 3: Encouragers in the Early Church

2 Encouragers in the Early Church
The Lord’s church was established in Acts 2 “Devout men from every nation under heaven” – 2:5 “That day about 3,000 souls were added to them” – 2:41 Now Jerusalem had Christians “from every nation” and some of these Christians may not have gone home right away. Each of the 3,000 had just become recipients of God’s grace, which bonded them together in their common experience.

3 Encouragers in the Early Church
Characteristics of Encouragement in the Early Church The first thing they shared in common was their faith! “Now all who believed…” – Acts 2:44; 4:32 Having a shared faith creates a unique bond! “They had all things in common” – Acts 2:44; 4:32 “They were of one heart and one soul” – Acts 4:32 United intellectually, emotionally & spiritually A beautiful fulfillment of the prayer of Jesus in John 17! They exhibited tremendous selflessness & true stewardship! “Neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own,” but it was God’s – Acts 4:32 How do these things help make them encouragers?

4 Encouragers in the Early Church
Actions of Encouragement in the Early Church “All who believed were together” – Acts 2:44 “Day by day continuing…together” – Acts 2:46 They were voluntarily sacrificial toward each other! There was not “anyone among them who lacked” – 4:34 “All who were owners of lands or houses…” – Acts 4:34 “Sold [their lands and houses]” – Acts 2:34 “Were selling their possessions and goods” – Acts 2:45 “Brought the proceeds of the things that were sold” – 4:34 Voluntarily “laid [the proceeds] at the apostles’ feet” – 4:34 “Distributed to each as anyone had need” – Acts 4:34; 2:45 When there was a genuine need, brethren rushed to help! How do these things help make them encouragers?

5 Encouragers in the Early Church
The actions of the early church were not communism! It was purely voluntary and never coerced! Every Christian did not and was not required to participate. As with all N.T. giving, it was according as they purposed in their heart to give – Acts 5:4; cf. 2 Cor. 9:7. It did not continue throughout the early church years & is not mentioned again after persecution scatters the saints. It was not economic equality that united the church! Their willing & generous hearts contributed to their unity. But, their unity was founded an equality much deeper! They had all been washed in the blood of Jesus! They were all one in the body of Christ!

6 Encouragers in the Early Church
The use of our possessions is revealing testimony… To the heart of that Christian! To the depth of our love for God! To the depth of our love for one another! To the depth of our love for our possessions! Sharing our material possessions with our brethren… Is an act of love! Is an act of selflessness! Is an act of encouragement!

7 Encouragers in the Early Church
Example of a Great Encourager in the Early Church Joseph was a Jewish convert in the early church. He was of the tribe of Levi & from the country of Cyprus. He was a landowner – Acts 4:37 He apparently had no wife or family – cf. 1 Cor. 9:5-6. Due to his tremendous heart & his behavior as a Christian, we do not even know him by his given name, Joseph.

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