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 Chapter 10 The Judiciary

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1  Chapter 10 The Judiciary
To Accompany Comprehensive, Alternate, and Texas Editions American Government: Roots and Reform, 10th edition Karen O’Connor and Larry J. Sabato  Pearson Education, 2009

2 Roots of the Federal Judiciary
Hamilton called it “the least dangerous branch.” Little on the judiciary in the constitution. Creates high Court, Congress establishes others. Judges have life tenure with good behavior. Congress can alter the Court’s jurisdiction. Constitution is silent on judicial review.

3 Judiciary Act of 1789 Established three-tiered federal court system.
Can appeal through the system. Federal district courts at the bottom. Courts of appeals in the middle. U.S. Supreme Court at the top. Court had little power, few wanted to serve.

4 The Marshall Court Chief Justice John Marshall gave Court prestige.
Discontinued practice of seriatim. Established power over states in McCulloch (1819). Established judicial review in Marbury v. Madison (1803).

5 American Legal System A court must have jurisdiction to hear a case.
Jurisdiction can be original or appellate. Cases can be criminal or civil. Most courts are constitutional courts. Specialized legislative courts may also be created.

6 District Courts Trial courts of original jurisdiction.
At least one per state. Cases involve federal government or question. Also citizens from two states if over $75,000. Cases decided by a single judge (possibly with jury).

7 Courts of Appeals Appellate courts with no original jurisdiction.
Cases decided by three-judge panels. Cases are appeals from district courts or agencies. Correct errors of procedure or law. Submit a brief to have a case heard. Decisions set a precedent for only that circuit. Judges may abide by stare decisis.

8 Supreme Court Appellate and original jurisdiction.
Ensures uniform interpretation of laws. Maintains national supremacy. Nine justices hear decisions en banc.

9 Selecting Federal Judges
President makes appointments. Use of senatorial courtesy. Competence; use of ABA ratings. Ideology or policy preferences. Rewards or political support. Religion, race, ethnicity, and gender.

10 Supreme Court Confirmation
List of potential nominees sent to FBI and ABA. Candidates investigated and rated. Interest groups mobilize lobbying efforts. Senate holds committee hearings. Full Senate votes on nominee.

11 Deciding to Hear a Case Works hard for privacy and decorum.
Receives many more cases than it can hear. Interested parties file a writ of certiorari. Court decides to hear case using Rule of Four. Clerks play key role throughout process.

12 Factors Influencing Review
Solicitor general asking for review. Solicitor general files amicus brief. Conflict among the courts of appeals. Case presents civil rights or liberties question. Case involves policy preferences of the justices. Interest group participation.

13 Hearing and Deciding the Case
Amicus briefs may be submitted beforehand. Oral arguments generally last one hour. Solicitor general may also appear. Oral argument provides chance to ask questions. Meet in closed conference to discuss and vote. Opinion written and circulated. Concurring or dissenting opinions may also be filed.

14 Judicial Decision Making
Judicial activism versus judicial restraint. Loose or strict construction of the constitution? Behavioral, attitudinal, and strategic models. Role of public opinion.

15 Judicial Policy Making
All judges make policy. Court can declare laws unconstitutional. Court can overrule itself. Judicial implementation can be a challenge.

16 AV- Who Is Appointed? Back

17 Figure 10.1- American Court System

18 Figure 10.2- Federal Court System

19 Figure 10.3- Supreme Court Caseload

20 Figure 10.4- Supreme Court Process

21 Table 10.1- Supreme Court Jurisdiction

22 Table 10.2- Presidential Impact

23 Table 10.3- District Court Appointees

24 Table 10.4- The Supreme Court

25 Table 10.5- Interest Group Participation

26 Table 10.6- Supreme Court Knowledge

27 Table 10.7- What Do Clerks Do?

28 Table 10.8- Amicus Curiae Briefs

29 Table 10.9- Role of Public Opinion

30 Jurisdiction Authority vested in a particular court to hear and decide the issuers in any particular case Back

31 Judicial Review Power of the courts to review acts of other branches of government and the states. Back

32 Court System Judicial branches of the federal and state governments charged with the application and interpretation of the law. Back

33 Individual opinions delivered by each justice.
seriatim Individual opinions delivered by each justice. Back

34 McCulloch v. Maryland Supreme Court upheld the power of the national government and denied the right of the a state to tax the bank Back

35 Marbury v. Madision The Supreme Court first asserted the power of judicial review in the finding that the congress overstepped its bounds by saying the Supreme Court was inappropriate in allowing a New President from inacting appointments of his predecessor for federal courts. Back

36 Original or Appellate Jurisdiction
The powers of the original court to hold a trial and the appellate jurisdiction is the power of the appellate court to review and revise (if necessary) the decision of the original (lower) court. Back

37 Criminal or Civil cases
Civil law is related to business and contractual relationships between groups and individuals Criminal law is related to protection of property and individual safety. Back

38 Constitutional Courts
Federal Courts created by the Constitution or by Congress Back

39 Legislative Courts Courts established by Congress for specialized purposes, such as the Court of Military Appeals Back

40 Trial Courts Courts of original jurisdiction. Where the trial actually begins. Back

41 Appellate Courts Courts that generally review only findings of law made by lower courts. Back

42 Brief A document containing the legal written arguments in a case filed with a court by a party prior to a hearing or trial Back

43 Precedent Prior judicial decision that serves as a rule for settling future cases that are similar Back

44 Stare decisis Courts will use past decisions or precedents to make new decisions in new cases Back

45 En Banc Case to be heard before all judges of that court Back

46 Senatorial Courtesy Before Presidents nominate district court judges they will ask the senior senator, of their own party, to make a choice. Back

47 Competence To be able to complete a job properly Back

48 Writ of Certiorari A request for a Court to order up the records from a lower court to review the case Back

49 Rule of Four At least four Supreme Court judges must vote to consider a case before it can be heard. Back

50 Solicitor General The appointed lawyer who will address cases pertinent to the US Government. They are appointed by the President Back

51 Amicus brief A brief written for the court on the behalf of a particular by a person not directly involved in the case but is interested in the findings. Back

52 Judicial Activism The philosophy that judges should use their power broadly to further justice Back

53 Judicial Restraint The philosophy that argues that courts should allow the decisions of other branches of government to stand even if they offend the judge. Back

54 Public opinion What the public thinks. Back

55 Judicial Implementation
How judicial decisions are put into public policies affecting more than the original parties of the lawsuit. Back


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