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EEudesmanes CCharacterized by 4 methyl group equivalents, three of them are 2ndary methyl groups and one 3ry (C-14), appears as a singlet in the upfield,

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Presentation on theme: "EEudesmanes CCharacterized by 4 methyl group equivalents, three of them are 2ndary methyl groups and one 3ry (C-14), appears as a singlet in the upfield,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EEudesmanes CCharacterized by 4 methyl group equivalents, three of them are 2ndary methyl groups and one 3ry (C-14), appears as a singlet in the upfield, which is important in identifying this skeleton.




5 GGermacranes CCharacterized by 4 methyl group equivalents, all of them are 2ndary methyl groups, including an isopropyl group or its equivalents.

6 BBisabolanes CCharacterized by 4 methyl group equivalents, all of them are 2ndary methyl groups, including a prenyl (isopentenyl) group or its equivalents.


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