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Flight Test Standards Guides

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1 Flight Test Standards Guides

2 A range of guides have been completed and more guides are planned
Objective: Improve Standards - “Lifting the Game” Introduce competency based assessment Provide assessment criteria for the guidance of flight examiners and instructors ‘Standardization’ ensuring a ‘level playing field’ for all applicants Provide a starting point for future improvement

3 Key to success Researched best practice
Gained input from CAA and industry based examiners Provided seminars explaining the guides Distributed free to current flight examiners and published on the CAA website Updates are advised to those who register for the free Part 61 notification service Follow up and reacting positively to feedback received

4 Ground Rules Maximum 3 things you like AND Why ?
Maximum 3 things you don’t like AND Solution?

5 Feedback 1 person per group to report back
Maximum 3 minutes per person All feedback to be written and handed in No correspondence will be entered into

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