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1 Double

2 Geography Colonies Revolution Famous People The Constitution Hodge Podge

3 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 Geo- graphy Famous People Hodge Podge
Colonies Revolu-tion The Consti-tution $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000

4 This line marks zero degrees latitude.
Geography (200) This line marks zero degrees latitude. Equator

5 Geography (400) The Proclamation of 1763 prevented colonists from moving west of this mountain range. Appalachian

6 This is the scientific term for people who make maps.
Geography (600) This is the scientific term for people who make maps. cartographer

7 Geography (800) This line divides the earth into eastern and western hemispheres. Prime meridian

8 Geography (1000) Daily Double
These four colonies made up the New England colonies. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire

9 Famous People (200) These two men led the Corps of Discovery to explore the Louisiana Territory in 1804. Lewis & Clark

10 Famous People (400) His pamphlet Common Sense urged colonists to declare independence from England. Thomas Paine

11 This group of colonists wanted to remain part of England.
Famous People (600) This group of colonists wanted to remain part of England. loyalists

12 Famous People (800) These Congressmen favored going to war with England in 1812. War Hawks

13 Famous People (1000) This senator first proposed the idea of nullification over the “Tariff of Abominations.” John C. Calhoun

14 The name given to the first ten amendments to the Constitution.
Bill of Rights

15 Which part of the Constitution explains the duties of the President?
Article 2

16 What is the length of a term for the President of the United States?
The Constitution (600) What is the length of a term for the President of the United States? 4 years

17 The Constitution (800) The main purpose of The Federalist Papers was to do what? Convince people to ratify the Constitution

18 The Constitution (400) The Constitution divides the federal government into these three branches. Executive, legislative, judicial

19 Hodge Podge (200) This political party was founded in 1854 to stop the spread of slavery. Republican

20 Christopher Columbus left Spain in 1492 in search of this.
Hodge Podge (400) Christopher Columbus left Spain in 1492 in search of this. A shortcut to Asia

21 Hodge Podge (600) The name for Andrew Jackson’s group of unofficial advisors. Kitchen Cabinet

22 Hodge Podge (800) The only state not represented at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Rhode Island

23 Hodge Podge (1000) In 1848, hundreds of people gathered in this town in New York to support equal rights for women. Seneca Falls

24 Colonies (200) The site of the first permanent English settlement in North America. Jamestown, VA

25 He founded a colony so Quakers could worship freely.
Colonies (400) He founded a colony so Quakers could worship freely. William Penn

26 Colonies (600) These people signed contracts to work without wages for anyone who would pay their way to the colonies. Indentured servants

27 Colonies (800) Daily Double
This was a colonial religious movement that urged people to follow the teachings of the Bible. The Great Awakening

28 Colonies (1000) The Southern Colonies consisted of these five colonies. Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

29 The Revolution (200) This important document was approved in the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. Declaration of Independence

30 Revolution (400) This law taxed paper products in 1765. Stamp Act

31 The Revolution (600) In 1770, British soldiers killed five protestors in what came to be known as… The Boston Massacre

32 The Revolution (800) Sam and John Adams led this group of patriots.
Sons of Liberty

33 The Revolution (1000) The British general who surrendered at Yorktown to end the American Revolution. Cornwallis

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